Most people say they want success, but when you ask them what success means you get wildly different responses. We recently asked some of the best and brightest in our community to tell us about how they define success and have shared their responses below.

Chelsea T. Avery | Transformational Coach + Speaker

It can be easy to seek external validation of success – like money, followers, units sold, size or number of houses, etc. and part of it is because they can be easier to quantify than other things. For me, defining success has to do more with my internal state and how I FEEl as I go about my business and life. I was first introduced to this by Danielle LaPorte. She dubs these ‘core desired feelings’ and it’s actually the feeling we seek when going after and eventually accomplishing goals. Success for me feels like ease and excitement for the clients I work with and the workshops I facilitate. It feels like the freedom to function from a place of abundance versus scarcity. I’m realizing more and more how vital my internal sense of peace is when it comes to setting and seeking goals. Read more>>

Sarah Duran | Business Strategist and Solopreneur Coach

One of the reasons I decided to work for myself was because I was sick of people telling me how much to work, when to work, where to work. and what I was worth. I wanted to be in charge of my time and pay myself what I wanted and needed every month. That meant I needed to earn what I needed in order to make those payments. What that taught me is that success wasn’t something I could define for myself when I was letting other people control my time and worth. I had to meet my basic financial needs in order to have the space and freedom to think outside of the box about what I wanted my time, work, and life to look like. When you’re 100% in charge of the money that facilitates your life you start to think about it in different ways. Read more>>

Alison Amy Wedding Planner | Alison Runs A Bride’s Best Mate, a Wedding Planning Service in Denver Colorado.

Defining success is something that I’ve been trying to do since deciding to launch my own wedding planning business, A Bride’s Best Mate. In the small picture, I define success if we can do what we have said we will do – the couple are happy and not stressed and can enjoy their day. Bigger picture, success would be me still loving what I’m doing, and ideally making a profit and being able to expand the team even further. Read more>>