Meet Ali Sweeney | Professional Clairvoyant Reader

We had the good fortune of connecting with Ali Sweeney and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Ali, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I fell in love with my work which is to connect people to their higher selves and empower them to live the life they choose. There are not huge corporations (yet) that employ clairvoyant energy healers, so starting my own business meant that I get to do the work I love. The hardest part was taking the step out of the mainstream (I used to be an engineer), but once I made the break I knew it was exactly what I was meant to be doing. Then came the worry – I worried if I was good enough, if clients would pay me, if the world needed another healer. And then the love of the work returned, and I knew that I could do this… for a living! From there, I got to work on the details: registering my business, getting insurance, creating a website, etc.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My business is called A Light Insight. There is a light in all of us, the very essence of ourselves. But we do not always have the tools to find it and clear away the energy that hides it. I offer clairvoyant readings to help you bring your light back in sight. These readings start to clear energy that isn’t serving you, and empower you to live the life you choose. I provide insight for your questions about relationships, careers, health, money, and just about anything you can imagine based on images I see.
The images are a result of connecting to your energetic or spiritual self. Clients gain understanding about where they might be blocked, falling back on a patterned belief, influenced by someone else in their life, or many other things! Meditation and spirituality get a tough rap for being serious and boring. I’m known for my ability to make this experience fun, even hilarious, and definitely fascinating. I offer a free 15 minute reading to anyone considering giving it a try, just to make sure money isn’t the reason for your hesitation.
Along the way, I’ve learned that psychics weird people out. That makes finding curious clients a little more challenging because I have to make my way through the stereotype that psychics are trying to trick you. There is no trick, I can’t prove to you with science that I can see the ‘real you’ – but I can. Sorry to disappoint, but there is no crystal ball involved. I won’t tell you what to do, I won’t tell you what you should do, and I won’t tell you what’s going to happen in the future. Instead, I see you. Right where you are. Then I communicate to you what you already know, but somehow can’t put your finger on. Recently a client said to me, “No, I didn’t know that about me, but yes now that you say it, yes that is exactly what is going on.” If you are one of the curious people out there wondering what more there is to life, I ask you to consider what you have to lose by talking to a trained psychic? Cynicism, sarcasm, or judgement? What do you have to gain? Insight, clarity, and light?
I’ve also learned that everyone has a story. Something that they wish was different in their lives, some type of pain, some thing left undone, or otherwise out of synch. Everyone. We tend to look at other people and think that their life must be better, easier, or happier than ours. Chances are there are parts that are easier for them and parts that are harder. Many people are just really good at hiding the harder parts. What I’ve discovered is that I help make the harder parts more understandable, and the lighter parts even more joyful simply by taking a look at your energy and telling you about the images I see.
The way I connect to these images is through meditation. As a result I have developed a meditation practice for myself that I could not live without. I enjoy meditation so much that I’ve decided to guide meditation classes. If psychics weird you out, or spirituality isn’t your thing – I still highly recommend meditation as a way to connect, slow down, breathe and notice what is happening in your life.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
This is such a hard question during the safer at home orders in Denver. We have been filling our souls with the abundance of natural beauty to be found in the metro area. I would take my friend on a hike a day, then to Bonnie Brae Ice Cream to finish off with a sweet treat. We love the great rocks, water, and shady trails including: The Braille Trail at Genesee Park, Maxwell Falls, Staunton State Park, Three Sisters, and Golden Gate Canyon State Park. We would hang out in my backyard and get take out from some of my favorite restaurants: Ambli (try the lobster shooters) and Chook (try the chimichurri sauce). Red Rocks is one of my favorite places to take visitors for the awesome natural beauty, and fond memories of so many amazing concerts there.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
When I was thinking about trying psychic school, Mary Russin encouraged me. She became my first client, and has referred many people who have become dedicated clients. Mary is a role model for me in living authentically and from the heart, sharing joy and bliss with everyone in her life. And she is my mom.
When I asked Jason Sweeney what I should tell his co-workers about what I do for a living at his company Christmas party, he said, without skipping a beat, “Tell them you are a psychic”. It isn’t always easy to have a wife who is also a psychic, but this man is full of grace and love for me and my business.
The Inner Connection Institute, with teachers Lauren Skye and Margaret Johnson, is where I learned to access this gift of clairvoyance. Without their classes, I would not be in business.
Talie Baker, Trina Woods, Kelly Shay, Stacy Dicker, Adrienne Lewis, Kim O’Connor, Andrea Bobotis, Betsy Hause, Amy Franklin, Amy Gronlund, Dawn Shearer, Kristy Nyberg, Erin Deviney, and Lisa Hood have listened to thousands of hours of me talking about how fascinating it is to become and be psychic. Their interest and support propelled me, steadied me, and kept me focused on the light.
Instagram: @alightinsight
Image Credits
Dawn Shearer