Meet Paige Frisone | Subconscious Health Practitioner, Writer, & Speaker

We had the good fortune of connecting with Paige Frisone and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Paige, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
No matter how much I’ve struggled in this lifetime, part of that struggle came from a deep longing to be of service and feeling painfully far from doing so. I longed to know that my day in, day out suffering would be worth it someday, if only I could fast-forward and get to the “good” part—where I could make a difference for someone like others had done for me. That longing kept me stuck for years, unable to honor my timeline, unable to access patience and compassion for Self.
Looking back now, I know that every moment I spent both in treatment and isolated from the world, every withdrawal from school, every therapist, and every perceived detour is what remains invaluable in my life and my work: It granted me decades of real, lived experience. What a humbling journey it has been—to realize the healing process can’t be rushed, it’s never done, and to now feel validated in knowing that every single experience prior to this one has led me here.
Starting my business, I worked hard as heck to ensure I was “healed enough.” I’m no longer where I was, but I still get to be human. I didn’t have to put so much pressure on myself to heal everything 100% before pursuing my dreams. I was playing impossible games. If that were the prerequisite for “success,” I wouldn’t be here. My transparency around the healing process is what leads me to the clients who are here for the depths. They’ve known the shadow and it’s time to learn the light.
I have always been—and will always be—committed to the self-growth journey. I do believe we’re here to heal. And no one needs to do it alone. As I built this business, I surrendered my linear thinking and limiting beliefs, trusting that finding my voice and being of service was inevitable.
I tried to make the corporate world work for me and it didn’t. I was never well enough to survive it. So I stopped trying to make it happen. I listened more. Eventually, I had to make space in the world for my own imperfect journey, my own unique blueprint. As a Subconscious Health Practitioner, writer, and speaker, I have allowed the solopreneurial journey to show me the way—my way.
Please tell us more about your work. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
It is truly a miracle to be in a position where I get to geek out about my work. I never thought I’d make it this far, honestly. As far as healing goes, it has been as rocky as rocky gets. I lost a decade of my life to severe depression, anxiety, anorexia, self-harm, and exercise addiction. I lost twice that much of my life to various traumas that have only recently revealed themselves to me. Two years ago, I accessed repressed memories that have been protecting me for decades. I never knew that living a “blacked-out” life wasn’t the norm.
My being a Subconscious Health Practitioner is fueled by the treatment care system I was immersed in for years. I’m whole-heartedly grateful to have received that intensive care when I needed it, but I was missing what I now know is the root determinant of suffering: the subconscious. The subconscious mind is 95% of the brain and dictates our involuntary experiences: body cues, symptoms, emotional patterns, and thoughts.
Nowhere in my treatment experience (and I had a lot) was there any education about the subconscious mind or its direct impact on pathology (or healing for that matter). I had to learn what didn’t resonate for me to find what did. I’m not preferential to one or the other—conscious or subconscious processing. I’m a HUGE therapy enthusiast.
But, I love how epigenetics can lead us to optimal health through the subconscious, too. I find when these two modes are paired together, there’s access to depths of healing that the conscious mind can’t and won’t access on its own.
For these reasons, I offer an integrative model that combines neuroscience with alternative methods of processing to help people access the root, stored memories that are responsible for signaling present-day stress, dis-order, and dis-ease.
The work I do now is informed by my entire life’s work: existential angst, relentless suffering, and chronic struggle. Why are we here? What’s the point? Why does it matter? These wounded places have birthed bottomless purpose.
As far as branding goes, I work vibrationally to BE the brand. I use my voice. I care. A LOT. I work to show that to others. Simply, if you resonate with me and my story, I’m so grateful. If not, no worries. I’m here to organically serve those who want it and stay the course of alignment.
On a more practical level, I named the business “Inner Ream Wellness” because the subconscious mind is the invisible, below-the-glacier part of the brain; that which we can’t directly see. Some perceive the subconscious to be wholly spiritual, but I’m passionate about rooting the science into the soma, too. Whatever mysticism comes from that is up to the client and their innate wisdom.
I play with the concept of the “inner” or “invisible realms” often. That transpersonal lens informs my creativity and digital marketing methods. My personal and professional work is dedicated to bringing the invisible to the visible realm for integration, healing, and true sustainable wellness.
What sets me apart is knowing I’m a leading edge creator for the treatment world right now. The conscious practitioners need subconscious practitioners, and vice versa. The system I use incorporates over 14+ modalities from Eastern and Western medicine combined to help people process emotions on a cellular level. It’s amazing to be in Boulder, where there’s an abundance of integrative and alternative practitioners. Still, I find my philosophy is standalone from other more familiar offerings out here, so I’m here to make some waves.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Alright, here’s my spark notes version of the go-tos.
Nature: Wonderland Lake, Chautauqua, a nice drive up Flagstaff mountain with stops at Lost Gulch Overlook and Gross Reservoir. Also, Nederland and Brainard Lake. Also, Estes (there are too many!).
For the tourist thing, Pearl Street in Boulder and downtown Fort Collins.
For food in Boulder: Dushanbe Teahouse, Beleza, Dish Gourmet, Tangerine, and Japango.
For coffee: Pekoe, Beleza, Ozo on West Pearl, and Trident.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’m grateful to say that I could name tens of mentors, therapists, and teachers throughout my lifetime who have shaped me into the person I am today. Still, my shoutout goes to my former therapist and team at Eating Recovery Center (ERC) in Denver as well as my former team at La Luna Center in Boulder.
Eating Recovery Center housed me at a life-threatening moment and La Luna held me through many thereafter. I experienced my first of many spiritual awakenings at ERC. Afterwards, I moved from the Midwest to Colorado to finish school and became myself here. During years of tumult, La Luna was my constant. These two places have imprinted my mind and heart in infinite ways.
And to my current therapist of five years—who I’m forever blessed to have in my world. I simply wouldn’t know, love, or respect myself as I do now without your support. Thank you for continuing to hold the torch through the darkness.
I am the practitioner I am today because of the strength of this lineage. It takes a village.
Image Credits
The headshot photo credit is: Jennifer Williamson