Meet Vi Sepper | Content Creator and Social Media Mentor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Vi Sepper and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Vi, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
I have always been pretty artsy. I loved crafts and dance classes from an early age as a kid. In high school, I was in so many clubs involving the arts (dance, theater, Colorguard, etc.) I basically lived at school.
Even my first job was as a dance instructor at a local studio. That is actually where I started my Social Media journey from a business perspective.
I have had all sorts of jobs but mundane has never really been my cup of tea.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I didn’t know it at the time but my journey as a Digital/ Social media mentor began back in 2012. I was working at a dance studio in my small Florida town as a dance teacher. I was the youngest so I also was tasked with most of the graphic design and social media posts for our Facebook page. I didn’t mind though, I thought it was fun. After a while, they wanted to expand to Instagram as well so I began learning best posting practices for there also.
At the end of high school, I got very into cosplay. I loved the entire process of creation so much. I wanted to keep talking about it so I started posting more online. Then in 2016, I decided to take content creation seriously. Mostly because up until then I had no idea that was an actual career option. I started a youtube and Instagram account and started learning as much as I could about content creation and social media from a professional perspective.
In 2018 I found myself living in Charleston, SC working as an assistant manager at a nail salon, One night while hanging out with a friend we made a TikTok for fun nothing serious. The next morning we woke up and the TikTok went viral. by the end of the day, I had 3K followers. This was when I realized the potential of TikTok as a platform. which would take off 2 years later.
Every day I would go to work come home put on my cosplay and make videos. Eventually, the owner of the salon noticed my skills and asked for me to manage the company’s Instagram and TikTok. This was huge! unfortunately, after a few months, Covid hit and we went into lock-down. In March of 2020, I was offered a job in technical support but I would have to move to Colorado. I loved what I was doing at the salon but the money couldn’t compare. So we moved! I stopped making cosplay content and started documenting my journey with mental health. After I settled into the job I started selling handmade goods in my spare time. It was a great side hustle and my content creation was going well.
At the start of this year, I realized I wasn’t happy. My job gave us the financial stability we needed but I didn’t like the work. I was severely burnt out in terms of creating content and I didn’t want to run my shop had become something I dreaded. So I closed my shop and I took a hiatus from content. I started asking myself not what I wanted out of a career but out of life. I found myself somewhere in between helping others improve their lives and enjoying more of my time in nature and making better human connections.
For fun, I started helping a friend open his Patreon so he can start working towards being a full-time digital artist. He is very capable and talented but I wanted to make sure he avoided some of the first-time mistakes as a creative business. Things like overcommitting yourself or or undervaluing your work, you may not know to ask some questions until it’s too late. From experience, it’s so disheartening to get to the other side of something you really cared about and hate it because you focused more on keeping up with other brands than staying true to your vision and having to start over or rebrand.
I had announced on my birthday (June 6th) I was going to begin working on this new mentoring business slowly while working my technical support job. I would do this until I could make a sustainable income without it. What I didn’t know is on the 13th exactly one week later id be getting laid off due to company spending issues.
After 2 years at this company, I was let go with 2 hours’ notice and no severance pay. To be honest I wanted to be mad. I tried to be. All I could think about instead was I get to give this the energy my mentoring business deserves.Instead of being treated like a side project. I am not a fan of huge corporations for the exact reason I got fired. Large companies don’t see people as people anymore they see them as replaceable cogs in a machine. CEOs dont take pay cuts they overwork and underpay you until they need more money and they kick you to the curb without hesitation. Money is the driving factor. Which honestly added even more fuel to my fire to help other small businesses trying to make their way in the world. Because If I’m going to work too hard it’s going to be for myself and people like me.
This is how Echoing Eudaimonia came to be. Eudaimonia is the state of human flourishing. There is a whole philosophy behind it. Our whole purpose as a brand is to help creative minds get closer to their version of eudaimonia. Echoing Eudaimonia opens July 23rd. There will be limited spots for our 1-on-1 mentoring program and the shop will have Social media templates and other resources available for purchase if mentoring isn’t for you.
We have to start taking better care of people. The best way for me to do that is by creating a business whose main goals is helping others find and obtain the best version of themselves.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I don’t know too many spots around the area I didn’t get out much the first year we lived in Colorado. I was busy working. However, My favorite spots to take visitors include pike peak and the garden of the gods of course. For food, Id honestly recommend walking downtown and seeing what speaks to you. That is what I tend to do and it never disappoints.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Realistically I could thank a lot of people for helping me one way or another get to where I am today.
My first instinct is to always be appreciative of my Great-Aunt Mary and my cousin Danielle. Both passed away before I ever really made it anywhere in my career. However, they both were always cheering me on in their own ways. Of course, and when you’re young like that you don’t know how to fully appreciate the love that is someone supporting your dreams. Even if they aren’t traditionally practical. I didn’t know then how much it would mean to me now. I like to keep their spirit alive by helping encourage and guide others toward following their passion.
The person to follow them is my husband. In the 6 years, we have been together he has supported me through many phases. Through each success and failure he never once stopped believing in me. Even now as I am opening my social media mentoring services, he is just as supportive as he has been from the start.
As a whole, I attribute my success to my Village. Anyone who has crossed my path over the years and taught me important lessons. The good and the bad ones. Even if they aren’t a part of my village today. I still believe everything happens for a reason and that their role served a purpose in shaping me into the person I am.
Instagram: EchoingEudaimonia
Twitter: EchoingEudaimonia
Other: Just a note that the website wont be live until July 23rd. All socials are currently active.