Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.

josh berendes | Travel & Lifestyle Content Creator

“If you’re comfortable, you’re not growing” Though I don’t remember where I heard this quote, I do remember how hard it hit me. When I look back at my biggest achievements, whether it’s videos that I’m really proud of or projects that were “very successful” aka I got into film festivals, got a lot of views, or they opened the door for many more projects, there has always been one common factor; I stepped out of my comfort zone. Read more>>

Dylan McCarthy | Mandolinist for Jake Leg

t’s difficult to pinpoint one factor as being the most important, but I believe strongly that one of them is choosing to work with good people that you like and trust. If the whole team is united on their vision and you all enjoy working with each other, the rest tends to fall into place the way it should. Surround yourself with people that inspire you and push you to be the best you can be! Read more>>

Andee Hoos | Curly Hair Specialist

People are tired of the societal expectations, especially when it comes to beauty. People really want to show up in their everyday spaces as their true authentic selves. They want to wear their natural texture and their natural color, especially if they have grey or silver hair. These folks typically don’t know how to feel good in their own skin without having to change, deny, or fit into someone else’s idea of what beauty is. Some of the harshest critics are friends, family, and their spouses. I offer a refuge and for some the permission to be exactly who they are. I educate curly folks not only how to get the best out of their curls through education, I also encourage people to stop coloring their hair. I am a big silver hair cheerleader. The main focus of my service is to show people the ease of healthy hair care. As a hairstylist my most obvious job is to give someone a great haircut and I absolutely strive to do that, however to me that’s the small picture- the big picture is to be the guide that encourages them to be healthy and happy just as they are. It’s honestly a big reason my studio is called Corruption. I am corrupting people into loving their natural texture, color, and healthy hair. Unfortunately, this is not a common staple in the beauty industry. Starting in beauty school we are not educated on curly hair except how to change it, flatten it, and control it…everything except how to enhance its natural beauty. Read more>>

Eric Hagstrom | Entrepreneur / Investor

Broadly, the most important factor behind my success has been the people I’ve surrounded myself with. A successful company cannot be achieved alone, and the fastest way to success is building a team of “smarter than you” individuals. Read more>>

Sabrina Dvorak | Functional Medicine Family Nurse Practitioner

Remembering my “why.” There were so many times I was terrified starting up the business. While off with my daughter for maternity leave I heard someone quote, “if not now, when?” I thought, yeah, but its during a pandemic and I have a 6 month old baby! Maybe later! I need a regular income, I need insurance and honestly I needed sleep! That quote stuck with me though, “if not now, when?” WHY did I want to start my own business? I wanted to schedule work around my daughters schedule, not try and see her when I was done working 9-5pm. I wanted to be able to work from anywhere in the world using telemedicine (thanks covid!). I wanted to find my own creativity in my practice by using my first hand experience NEEDING functional medicine, then showing others how to reverse their chronic illness. Remembering my “why” kept me strong mentally and Evolution Health Consulting flourished! Read more>>

Harry Glor | Gym Owner and Performance Coach

Consistency of execution. At the end of the day, successful people show up consistently and execute effectively, regardless of industry. I try to think about people in my life who have had success and what brought them there. None of them are the type to just show up and clock in – they practice and work with great intent in everything they do. As a business owner and manager, my goal is to set a good example for my staff to follow. Like everyone, I need to improve on this, but it is always at the top of mind and something our team works toward every day. Do the boring things with great intent and conviction day in and day out, and good things will happen. Read more>>

Jason Vaughn | Creative Director

Consistency is one of the biggest factors behind the success of Embro Industries. There is a wide scope of talent and skill that you have to get familiar with and the only way to do that is being consistent with the process. Read more>>