We love rebels and people who challenge the status quo, conventional wisdom and mainstream narratives and so we asked some really bright folks to tell us about one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.

Emily Hutto | RadCraft Founder & CEO

Fake it until you make it. Especially in communications— your audience can tell when you’re bluffing. It comes out in your (lack of) diction. I’ve never been able to tell a story I didn’t believe in or market a product I wouldn’t use myself. Authenticity matters! Read more>>

Eric Stolp | Photographer

I’m not a fan of the whole idea of “Fake it till you make it.” I believe more in the idea of gaining experience with authentic passion, experiencing some failure and then learning from those mistakes. This, in my opinion, is critical for personal and professional growth. Pretending to be an expert can be a misguided behavior. Transparency, honesty and dedicated practice are pillars to building anything successful. For me, integrity and passion are foundational characteristics. My advice is to go out and fail and then tell me what you’ve learned. Experience is always the best teacher and it’s OK not to fake it to make it. Read more>>

Rey Aviles | Content Creator

“Fake it till you make it” I do agree with the general sentiment here, but if you find yourself continually unhappy in a situation, please don’t fake loving it. All it does is suppress emotions and prevent self-actualization. Instead, I ask that you learn WHY you love your hobbies. When you learn HOW you learn, you don’t need to fake being interested in something; because, you have the tools you need to fall in love with it or the tools to know that it is not for you. Read more>>