We asked folks to tell us about the most important decisions they’ve made along their journey and have shared some of the highlights below.
Davis Harwell | Composer
Say yes…then figure out the rest. The leap to start my own business was one of the scariest decisions I’ve made. It can feel like a crazy thing to believe in myself, and staking my career on that belief was pretty terrifying. Am I glad I did? Sure! (Most days. I think). What I didn’t realize at the time is that I would be faced with endless scary decisions every day after. Read more>>
Meghan Wallace | Graphic Designer and Illustrator
The most important decision I have made for myself and my business was to pursue a degree in Graphic Design. I originally went to Oklahoma State University in 2011 for a degree in Apparel Design. I completed that degree but the jobs I was interested in within the fashion industry were graphic design oriented jobs. I ended up deciding to go back to school for a degree in Graphic Design. While working as a graphic designer and finishing my degree is when I created my business. Without schooling in design I wouldn’t have my business or my passion in life. It allowed me to not only hone my skills but also allowed to connect with other creatives here in Oklahoma. Read more>>
Tininha Silva | Textile Artist
The belief that it’s always possible to reinvent yourself regardless of age and life circumstances. Before discovering the world of weaving, I worked in the swimwear industry for well over 15 years, as a retailer and designer, When I decided it was time to quit and pursue a new dream, I experienced what some might call an identity crisis. Read more>>