We asked some of the most inspiring folks we know to tell us what they are inspired by.

Amina Naru | Yoga Instructor | Spiritual Wellness Mentor | Speaker

I am continually inspired by human suffering. Not that I am looking for, enjoy, or glorify it, but suffering motivates us to seek answers and to find other ways of being. There is wisdom in suffering, and discomfort, so much we can learn; and often it comes when we are being called to grow, heal, expand, or move into our next level or challenge for the sake of uplifting humanity. Read more>>

Kadi Bain | Pilates studio owner and teacher

I’m inspired by having a direct impact on others and helping them live a healthier lifestyle. Clients leave feeling happier & accomplished. To be able to do what I love for work is a very fulfilling. Read more>>

Nick Bagley | Author and Photographer

I am inspired by the dark and dreary. Crumbling buildings and decaying ruins really cause my creativity to flow. I often find myself disappearing into another world while I’m out shooting. I wander the abandoned structures and create my own narrative, one photo at a time. Read more>>