Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.

Patti Mamalis | Owner and Creator of Power word Postcards

Power word Postcards has an interesting beginning. In 1995 I was going through a very difficult divorce. I was a single mother of four sons, a full time kindergarten teacher, and suffering from a deep dark depression. I was grasping at straws to find ways to pull myself up by the boot straps. I started cutting words out of magazines and created these inspirational, motivational postcards. I say that I started as a kinder-preneuer. I then became a hobby-preneuer selling Power word Postcards at Farmers Markets, church boutiques, and just with my friends and family. I had so much success I became a wanna-be-preneur. so I got Power word Postcards LLC set up. i was still teaching kindergarten full time and doing Power word Postcards on the side as a solo-preneur. I then decided to retire from teaching and that is when Power word Postcards became a full fledged and I became an entrepreneur at last. Because of the power of a simple handwritten message with powerful words that helped me personally so much ,I had the inspiration to make Power word Postcards a business. My ultimate mission and goal is to be a DayMaker and literally make people’s day with Power word Postcards. Read more>>

Jan Kratzer | Owner – Baker

The restaurant industry is a fast-paced environment, which can make finding mentors and opportunities for growth a challenge. After hitting a dead-end in my quest for advancement in restaurant management, I decided to reinvent myself. I had previously experienced success with a small pie business a few years prior, so when the opportunity arose to take over a pizza-by-the-slice shop that had closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I jumped at the chance. At first, I didn’t have a clear plan, but I knew that opening a bakery was something I needed to do. Opportunities don’t wait. Read more>>

Tracy Abate | Sparkle Influencer with Touchstone Crystal a Swarovski Company

In all honestly, at first, I didnt think of it as a business. I thought of it as something fun to do because I love to socilaze and I love jewerly. Plus Touchstone Crystal was the little sister of iconic Swarvoski and most everyone knows that they specialize in crystals! Plus this opportunity was introduced to me at a time when I was in a dark place 7 years ago.. In a two year period I lost Also during that time we had just become empty nesters (3 children were away at college). I had no direct sales experience and just had a fun with it. Within 3 months I was making money, earning incentives and was realy enjoying what I was doing. It was then that I started to take making this a business more seriously. I started asking more questions of how to best build my business. I attended all trainings that were offered to me. I was meeting with other like minded business women and learning different ways to introduce myself and my business. So here I am 7 years later still sharing the sparkle, making my own hours and enjoying flexibility! Read more>>

Anna Long | Graphic Designer & CEO of Norlo Design

There were a lot of factors that went into owning and starting my own business, but the main reason for opening my online store was to make people happy! Norlo Design started as a package design agency and has recently pivoted to an online store. Read more>>

Sonya Chisenhall and Rachael Miller | Small Retail Business Owner, Finder, and Maker

Our business began when a snowstorm hit one winter about 10 years ago. At the time, Sonya and I were roomates and had nothing better to do than to work on some creative projects. Being the savers we were, we had everything needed to sew and glue several different complicated projects. We both grew up in lower income homes and our backgrounds taught us to cook, can/freeze items from the garden, sew, repurpose, and reuse whatever we could find. It was exciting being first generation college graduates, who had made our way in the professional world but we always remembered where we came from. I was a 3rd grade teacher, and Sonya was a graphic designer. After the snowstorm had passed we realized we wanted to create things more often and began making things to sell at a local farmers market. Several years later, an opportunity opened up for me (Rachael) to manage a retail antique/vintage store. We did this for a year before completely quitting our jobs and taking ownership of the store. Sonya became my business partner, and with her graphic design skills helped rename and rebrand the retail store as Wilderlove, a handmade and vintage store. The store is a direct reflection of both us, and the people we hand pick as our handmade & vintage vendors. As we are not a traditional antique store, some people walk through quickly, but others linger for an hour or more marveling and buying interesting items, or striking up conversations that explore every topic under the sun. With our handmade inventory, we strongly believe in supporting local and international creatives, without wholesaling from mass produced, slave labor companies. Our vintage inventory is chosen carefully, making sure to pick items that reflect current trends, are of historical importance, and of all price ranges. We work with our vendors, making sure they are making enough profit in their spaces to make it worthwhile and their products are hitting our local and beach traffic markets. At the heart of Wilderlove we exist to create community and inspire creativity both locally and globally. Read more>>

Steve Scribner and Morgan Law | Steven (Partner, AIA, LEED AP, CPHD, Principal Architect)/Morgan (Partner, Certified Passive House Consultant, Principal Architect)

Morgan Law started Shape in 2016 and Steve joined in 2018. We had both come to Colorado for family reasons and were looking to build our careers at firms that excited us as designers and fulfilled our commitment to building science-based sustainability work. Morgan didn’t find a firm that checked all of these boxes, so instead he decided to form a Design/ Build company with an old college friend. It was an exciting and successful venture but the imbalance of design-to-build led Morgan to start a separate firm focusing on super low-energy but attainable homes. He named it Sustainable Habitats and Performance Engineering [SHaPE]. Much of the work was very small-scale and scrappy at first, but Morgan also was able to put a lot of energy into the beginnings of the front range Passive House community (translation: super nerdy building-science based ultra-low energy standard). This network helped earn Shape a couple of passivehouse certified new home projects. As these home designs were getting off the ground, Steve was planning his move to Colorado. Steve was also struggling to find a company that resonated with his design and sustainability aspirations, but knew Morgan through friends; he decided that joining forces on the mission-driven, vision-aligned company Morgan had created would be more fulfilling and exciting than taking a position with job security at a locally established firm. In short, neither of us set out to start our own business, but did have a belief in a vision and hunch that the front range was ripe for the kind of work we wanted to do. Read more>>

Morgan Martinez | Cake Decorator

I decided to start my business almost seven years ago. My husband had been laid off and we had two young children at the time so I still needed to stay home but I also wanted to stay at home I didn’t like the thought of missing out on my children in those early years. I came up with the idea of starting a cake business from home, that way I could help out financially but also be able to be home with the kids. I had started doing my childrens birthday cakes a few years prior to that and I’ve always been a crafty person. So I thought why not try to make a business out of it. I had a tuff time coming up with a name until my mom said why not Cake Creations By Morgan? And it just stuck it was simple and to the point. I started a Facebook page with just a few pictures of cakes I had done with hopes that someone would take a chance on me. Now I look back at my early cakes and laugh, such a difference from then to now. My husbands family helped out tremendously by ordering from me and helping get my name out there. And here we are almost seven years later and business is booming! I now have five children ages 19, 18, 10, 7 and 4. I have managed on figuring out how to balance my life and work together. I want to show my kids that anything is possible! I absolutely love what I get to do! Read more>>

William Maestas | Owner, Mesh Model Management & William Maestas Productions

Over the past 12+ years I have worked in the Colorado fashion industry in many different capacities. First as a model, then on the event production side helping backstage, obtaining sponsors and vendors, managing check-in and VIPs at events, as a runway photographer and an editorial and portrait photographer, and as a talent coordinator and manager. Having all of these different experiences and skills has given me an advantage, and I plan to run with it. I have expressed interest in working with already existing agencies, and have never been given a long term opportunity with any of them, which is fine. I think it is important that the other agencies are around and active in the area. Having seen and heard of many models that have been taken advantage of by agencies, photographers, designers, etc., I want to advocate for those models and be someone they can trust. Mesh Model Management is Colorado’s premier boutique model & talent agency committed to ethically uncovering, nurturing, & guiding careers of exceptionally gifted individuals. Our agency represents a diverse group of models and talent. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of representation and professional management to our clients. Read more>>