Meet Sara Lohmeyer | Acupuncturist/ Herbalist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Sara Lohmeyer and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Sara, we’d love for you to start things off by telling us something about your industry that we and others not in the industry might be unaware of?
Most people don’t think of acupuncture as a health system. Acupuncture is under the umbrella of Chinese Medicine. In China- this is COMPLETELY integrated with western medicine. Every doctor studies acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and western medicine. We (acupuncturist/ Chinese Medical Practitioners) use acupuncture, herbal remedies, cupping, gua sha, and dietary recommendations to treat patients. We see the whole body as a system with everything connected. We utilized all of our tools which have been around for over 4000 years!!! We spend quite a bit of time talking with each individual patient to get an idea of how the patient is feeling and how they got to the place they are today/ why they seek us out. We are not a quick fix. We want all of our patients to feel better and to seek to stay healthy/ be healthier long term.
What should our readers know about your business?
I am a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. I practice traditional acupuncture and I make my own tinctures and salves based on traditional formulas with a modern flair. My products are designed to be a “go to” for everyday ailments.
I got where I am today through hustle! I wanted to succeed and there was no room for failure. I started school when my boys were 2 & 4, spent 3.5 years in school while also teaching pilates and my husband working full time. We both ended up opening our separate businesses at the same time (unintentional- he’s an optometrist). With 2 business/ loans and 2 kids, we had to make it work! We networked, got the word out, everything.
I’ve learned that if you want something bad enough, you go after it! I’ve also learned that hard work pays off! I want people to know that you can be a working mom, but you have to be up for the challenge and you have to still take care of your family! Sometimes this means growth takes longer, and also means you can’t be everything to everyone.
I want everyone to know that Chinese Medicine is what we all need to get healthy and stay healthy!
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would start with Honey Hill in Park Hill for a breakfast burrito and coffee. Then a walk through the neighborhood. For lunch I’d ride bikes through city park and to Denver central market for snacks and drinks, walk through the art alley. And then slowly bike towards my office/ Whittier neighborhood to show her my amazing space. If it were someone else I’d suggest an acupuncture session or a massage with one of my therapists. Then I’d wrap up with a delicious dinner at Point Easy which is next door. After a huge meal, we’d enjoy the remaining bike ride through city park and back to park hill.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Jenine Cammins/ UQmindfulness
Instagram: @thegoodwitchofparkhill
Image Credits
Headshot @TheScoutGuide