We asked some of the happiest folks we know to tell us their secret.

Risa August | Award-winning Author, Speaker, Gestalt Practitioner, and Patient Advocate

Following my heart brings me true happiness, even when others judge or question my choices. When I silence the external noise and free myself from others’ expectations, life feels more in flow, and I feel genuinely happy. For me, following my heart means embracing what brings me joy—like ticking items off my bucket list, supporting others in their journeys of personal growth, and staying curious so I never stop learning. Read more>>

Pamela Mikesell | Owner of 110 Reserve

I get so much joy from see all the customers sitting back, relaxing, socializing with complete strangers. The courtyard comes alive when we have live music. The crowds that it brings in is just amazing to see. People love to sit and enjoy the music and I have the best view of Pikes Peak (Americas Mountain) in town. We are a dog friendly establishment so many of our customers bring their dogs. I actually even bought my dog Louis Vuitton in our courtyard. Read more>>