We love asking the folks that inspire and excite us about what inspires and excites them. Check out their responses below.

Liz Roth | President & CEO of the Lupus Foundation of America, Lone Star Chapter

I am inspired every day by the strength of the Lupus Warriors that we serve. Read more>>

Clara Matos | Real Estate Agent, Mother, Self-Employeed

Having grown up as a first-generation American, I was deeply influenced by my parents’ unwavering commitment to providing a better future for my siblings and me. Their transition from traditional employment to self-employment exemplified the entrepreneurial spirit, which has motivated me to pursue my own business ventures. Read more>>

Nebulite | Dancer

Dancing is inspiring to us it helps to keep us motivated and active. While allowing us to learn and grow individually but more importantly as a team. Read more>>

Danny Ermis | Musician, Writer, and Local Community Manager

I am truthfully inspired by people. There are so many people in this world who do not have a platform that showcases their full ability and through social media outlets I have found an ocean of people who have unique abilities that they can share with the world. I am always inspired by people and their ability to innovate. Read more>>