We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Lindsay Regehr and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr. Lindsay, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
Work life balance is a made-up framework that everyone dreams about and strives to achieve, but is impossible to achieve. When starting a business, it’s necessary to put your head down, grind out long hours when needed, and stay focused on why you started your business in the first place. It’s a lot of time and effort in the beginning to do the market research, networking, establishing yourself as a brand and not just a product – these all require your attention and will take away the time you would like to be spending with friends and family. Hopefully you are surrounded by friends and family who understand that you are sacrificing time with them now for a big pay off in the future.With that being said, there are healthier ways to deal with the work life imbalance. I often work with clients who have stayed too far in the work zone for far too long, and now their health, physically and mentally, are suffering. These are the action steps that I have taken and recommend for my patients in order to minimize the work life imbalance and effects on their physical and emotional health. Setting boundaries. I never understood the importance of not being available 24/7 until I was burning out, and I was only a year into practice. I thought I needed to respond to all emails immediately, open up my schedule for 1 patient at 6:00pm on Friday night, or try to shift my practice style to please others. I didn’t have clear boundaries as to what I wanted to do in practice, with my schedule, or with my energy. After working on establishing these boundaries, my practice started to really thrive, I was more joyous and full of energy, and my patients received better care. Self-care by yourself. Self-care is thrown around left and right and it means different activities for each person, from a spa day to hiking. Finding an activity that you can do by yourself to recharge and regain your energy is key. It may not be an all day event, it could be 5 minutes of mediation in your car while you are waiting to pick up the kids. It may also look like journaling every morning. Whatever activity you find that is soothing for you, be sure to schedule it and indulge in that alone time for yourself. Having this time to yourself is a great way to determine and assess if you are on the verge of burnout or if you are satisfied with how you are dividing your time between work and play. Journal. I mentioned above that it can be a part of self-care, and it also works as a great outlet for emotions and feelings you are struggling with that you may not want to discuss with others. For example, you may be crushing it at work and dedicating all of your time to your career at the moment, and people may see you as successful, but how are you feeling on the inside? This is a time to reflect and keep yourself in check to see if the work life balance is skewed to one side too much and is affecting your wellbeing. Using these tools and having a great support system has helped me come up for air when I get too far into work mode, and also when I have spent too much time in living and play mode. The balance will never be perfect, but by minimizing the imbalance I believe that you can have joy, success, and fulfillment in work and life. 

What should our readers know about your business?
Elite Chiropractic & Wellness has a heavy emphasis on the “wellness”. Yes, the core of our business is chiropractic care and improving the function of your nervous system, but there is another side to the practice. In addition to the rehabilitative exercises, dry needling, cupping, muscle scraping, and other soft tissue modalities, we really get to know you as a person. It starts when you walk through the door for your first experience at the practice and our intention is to fully understand why you are having pain and discovering how your stress from life, work, career, family, or health is affecting your overall wellness. I am currently getting certified as a life coach to be able to dive deeper into the connection between the brain and the body, which I am very excited to implement it officially into practice. I have found that when I have patients who are willing to discuss their stress and struggles, and also take time to celebrate the wins, they have an even better success rate. I stumbled into the life coaching after my patients kept on confiding in me and we had longer discussions about their life and starting to implement strategies to deal with stress. It’s been a very gradual addition to the practice, and it’s been a great learning curve to discover what really motivates patients and how we can create a customized experience for them while still maintaining a system to build upon for the growth of the practice. Elite Chiropractic and Wellness is more than a business, it’s a growing brand. We are on a mission to flip the narrative of what people expect from chiropractic care and take it above and beyond to help people not only feel better in their body, but also live an “elite” lifestyle.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Luckily I have a lot of best friends that visit, so I feel like we have done all of the typical Colorado travels. Let’s say it is summer in this situation, because if it were winter we would be heading to Breckenridge for the week for skiing. I would take my friend to RiNo to start with and spend a day exploring the breweries, shops, and restaurants. Our first stop would be the RiNo Beer Garden for cheese curds and a beer of course. I am from Wisconsin, so cheese curds are something I am always on the lookout for. Next, we would make our way to Central Market while taking in all of the murals, then stop for some chocolate which is also a great souvenir and we would end our RiNo experience at Julip, they have the best happy hour. Shopping is always something that I love to do and my friends love to see what Denver has to offer, and I could definitely spend the day in Cherry Creek and Cherry Creek North checking out the boutiques and the mall. My favorite spot for a bite to eat is Blue Oyster Bar and favorite store is ALINE. After Cherry Creek, we would have to go to Union Station just for the photo op and for a bite across the street at Machete. Their lobster tacos are amazing. It’s also great to get out of the city, and my go-to is Breckenridge, even in the summer. It’s easy to spend a day hiking around Breck, checking out the rides on the mountain, and doing some shopping downtown. Quandry is an easier 14er for a friend from out of town to hike, and after wards we would head back into town for lunch and drinks and games at Downstairs at Eric’s. For more outdoor activities for the week, we would head down to Colorado Springs for Garden of the Gods and 7 Falls, then if we are able to get a ride up Pikes Peak that would definitely be on the list. If my friends were really adventurous and in shape, we would also attempt the Manitou Incline. Back in Denver there are so many more places we would need to eat and drink! El Five, Peaks Lounge, 54thirty, Sushi Den, Little Man Ice Cream, View House, and of course Swanky’s because that is a taste of back home. We would round out the week at the Pearl Street Farmer’s Market, and I highly recommend Brad Be Jammin’s Blueberry Bourbon Jam. I think by this point my friends would be exhausted and ready to leave, but I think this gives them a great view of what Colorado has to offer .

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
dr. shantai watson drshantai@drshantai.com

Website: elitechiropracticdenver.com
Instagram: @elitechiropracticdenver
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lindsay-regehr/
Facebook: facebook.com/elitechiropracticdenver
Youtube: Elite Chiropractic & Wellness
Other: https://www.google.com/search?q=elite+chiropracitc&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&oq=elite+chiropracitc&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3863j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x876c874f72ff1b83:0x586a206979784c4b,1,,,

Image Credits
Tricia Turpenoff Photography

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