We asked the community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us. Check some of those out below.

Christopher Shields | Residential Interior Designer

I’ve had this quote appear to me a number of times this year: “I hear and I forget… I see and I remember… I experience and I understand (Confucius).” After being in the interior design industry for over 18 years, I’m actually (finally) putting together all the things I’ve experienced as a designer and how these experiences have shaped who I am, how I design and what my creative voice is all about. Read more>>

Kim Roberts | Artist + Mental Wellness Advocate

I’ve heard this idea over and over but Carlos Santana said it best recently at Red Rocks: It takes courage to be happy. Henry Miller said it in the opposite way, “Anyone can be miserable” But to be happy is a practice. We may get what we want and feel happy about that – we win the prize or get the person we love – but that kind of happiness is conditional. Read more>>

Donna Teresa Fasano | Artgineer

“I have what I need.” This has been the balancing statement I repeat to myself if I feel overwhelmed by all the facets of being a full-time artgineer. When I start to have anxiety about all that isn’t getting done on my many lists, it’s tempting to think, “Oh, if I just had more (insert thing here), it would solve the problem!” More doesn’t always fix the core issue, but identifying resources, skills, helpful humans, and even rethinking a project’s materials and seeing if I can adapt and apply what I have on hand quiets my anxiety, allowing me to focus on problem-solving. Read more>>

Lisa White | IVF & Manifestation Fertility Coach

One of favorite affirmations is “Always expect something wonderful to happen.” This was the saying I carried with me on my fertility path through IVF, and it has become a key part of the message I spread to others who are navigating through fertility challenges. Choosing to live in a mindset of possibility, optimism and hope is the kind of energy required if we want to embody (what I call) a “Miracle Mindset.” Read more>>