The Decision Makers Series is one of our staff’s favorite because decision making is a topic that so many of us have studied deeply.

Kacey Kingry | Yoga Teacher + Life Coach

The single most important decision I’ve ever made for myself was the decision to stop drinking just over two years ago. Alcohol is regarded as such an integral part of everything we do in life, and it is a substance that had plagued me personally for decades. Now, having removed alcohol from my everyday life, I am clearer, stronger, and more present for my whole life, especially my business. I have so much more energy and bandwidth to devote to growth and forward motion and showing up wholeheartedly for my students and clients. Liberating myself from alcohol has freed me to be more powerful, present, and intentional in every single area of my life. Our culture tends to believe that alcohol is just a part of everyday events, and if it doesn’t serve you, you must be doing it wrong. I love living my life with the belief that life can be overflowing and wonderful without ever consuming alcohol. Read more>>

Victoria Lise | Natural Farmer & Compost Connoisseur

Knowing what success was for me. Defining it for myself so I knew where to aim. As cliche as it may be, it has been intricately linked to following what has felt real, impactful, and valuable. Following an inner calling. Success is different for everyone. For us (as a company), it has been measured by the way in which our work contributes to a cleaner, sustainable, and equitable existence. As we’ve grown, we’ve re-defined, or refined rather, what success looks like. Our idea of success continues to evolve as we do. Reducing local waste through our compost program, neutralizing water risks, and aiding in soil restoration through integrating Natural Farming techniques plus our communities support, those are shared successes. That’s what it comes down to. Read more>>

Kasey McClurg | Endurance Coach, Nutritionist, & Researcher

Deciding to engage in meaningful thought work to get outside of other people’s thought models. So many of us, especially women, are socially trained to care about the perceptions and expectations that others may have for our life. We are trained to consider outside definitions of success, happiness, and wholeness. This is especially difficult for people like me with a philanthropic heart. When I decided that I didn’t need to live up to someone else’s or some generalized societal model of success and happiness, I became free to consider what made me feel happy and whole. This gave me the empowerment to start doing what I love in a way I love doing it and is what contributes to my life successes. Read more>>

Janie Havemeyer | Children’s Book Author

A big part of my success has been the connections I have made in the children’s publishing industry. It’s very tough getting published. So many writers spend years researching and writing manuscripts that never get acquired. Early on, I began attending workshops and publishing conferences, not only to grow as a writer but to learn the current trends and topics in the world of children’s books. In this way, I have made invaluable connections that led to further introductions, which helped me to get my work in front of the eyes of editors who might want to hire me or buy my manuscripts. Staying actively involved and investing time in my professional community has been invaluable in moving forward. Read more>>