One of the most rewarding things about getting to know so many entrepreneurs is seeing first-hand how many of them are focused on so much more than just financial results. So many of the folks we connect with are focused on having a positive social impact on their community or the world at large. Check out some of these amazing folks below.

Anjelica Maestas | Owner – Photographer of Boudoir by Anjie

Boudoir Photography has been deemed taboo in the past, yet a turning event such as the rise of female empowerment has shed a new light on this photography style. Boudoir allows women to essentially strip down into lingerie or their birthday suit to a vulnerable though an empowering experience with me. I have the opportunity to show women, real women what beauty truly means. They see themselves in a new light and realize they don’t need to look like “society” standards. Every woman that I have photographed since the middle of 2020 of starting my business has realized we all real bodies. The stretch marks, the cellulite, the scars, these are natural – not the airbrushed, photoshop looks you see in social media. Read more>>

Charles Lounsberry | Cannabis Artist

The thought behind my cannabis art business has always been to promote the use of cannabis in the same context that beer, wine and spirits have been promoted throughout the ages as medicinal and recreation in nature. My thought was that if I could visually promote cannabis in a fine art context then I would be helping the cause by normalizing the use of cannabis whether that be for medicinal or recreational use. Read more>>

Marcus Alvarado | Owner & Organizer

My event brings thousands of people from all over the world to celebrate “simple living”. It’s not about just tiny houses or camper van living…it’s about taking inventory on our lifestyles. Since the event is so large, there is also a large economic impact on the cities we host our event. Estimates are around $2M-$4M! Read more>>

Haydee Rodriguez | CEO

We created Aura Nature with the purpose of being an eco-friendly company. We do not test on animals, we don’t use plastic and all our products are made with natural ingredients. We consider everyone can contribute even in a something small to save the planet, and we work hard to do our part. Read more>>

Amy Snider | Small Business Owner & Community Player

We make people happy by giving them in-person human connection! Especially with all we’ve endured during the pandemic, we all (myself included) benefit from being with others in a good space. Read more>>

Lilith Mara | Published Freelance Model

Not many people know this but, I have Aquatic Urticaria. This means, I’m allergic to all types of water i.e: sweat, rain, snow, humidity etc… This condition limits me quite a bit and, many have often told me the careers I’m choosing is too dangerous. I still push and work hard for each collaboration, ensuring that nothing will slow me down. My efforts are to show everyone that it doesn’t matter what illness you may have or what you look like; Everyone is beautiful and is capable of being a Model and should never let anyone doubt them, even if the person doubting happens to be themselves. Read more>>

Zach Snavely | Veteran/Co-founder Mountain Freedom Coins

We created Mountain Freedom Coins with the idea of promoting veterans to venture outdoors for the benefits of mental health. We have been able to meet and partner with some amazing like minded veterans to help us promote our push of veteran suicide awareness. Our ambassador Matt Greiner (@22peaksproject) climbed 22 14ers this past summer inviting veterans to join him through his meetup group. We brewed a Mountain Freedom beer with Peak View Brewing and are making a donation to Rule One Adventure who is an amazing non-profit that helps veterans and first responders get outdoors. We live in such an amazing state with so many different options for outdoor activities that we hope we can get people outdoors and chase their own Mountain Freedom. Read more>>