We love ourselves a good quote and so we asked our community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us and we’ve highlighted some below.
Lori Young | Professional Speaker, Certified Enneagram Coach
Brene Brown’s Authenticity Mantra: Don’t shrink, Don’t puff up, Just stand your sacred ground. I’ve spent too much of my life playing small so others can be bigger than life. I’ve pretended to be less than so others can be more. I became so tired of hiding in the shadows I made the bold move to start my own business and become a professional speaker and coach. Read more>>
Maureen Gildersleeve | Founder of Mangala Yoga, Yoga Intstructor & Teacher Trainer
“Everything I need is already within me.” We oftentimes forget our inner knowing and intuition and it is important to send this powerful message to the deeper mind. It is human nature to look outside of ourselves for the answers, for happiness, and for contentment… but the truth is that these qualities come from the way we see things, not from the things themselves. Read more>>
Susan Powers | Teacher-Author and Instructional Coach
” Sometimes you just have to jump off that bridge and build your wings on the way down.” This was one of those sayings that I grew up with. As a child, I was encouraged by my Mum to take a leap of faith in the knowledge that whatever I needed to know or do, I could figure out along the way. Read more>>
Rachael Rush Tarverdi | metal artist
My favorite quote is “always keep an open mind.” When I venture outside my comfort zone, new experiences and opportunities tend to lead me to a perspective that I otherwise would not have considered. To be open to the possibilities in life as well as in my work is a very important part of my personal growth. Read more>>