Happiness: it’s what matters

We asked some of our favorite folks what makes them happy and why?
My husband jokes what makes me happiest is food. I’m not going to lie he’s partially correct, but also my love for my family and God. They make me the most happiest because I get such joy seeing my little boy smile when I reach down to give him a hug. I feel such an abundance of love from one little person. My husband makes me laugh at the silliest inside jokes and his little facial expressions, I smile and it makes me happy knowing we chose each other. There is no other person in this world that gave me my little boy and it was through God who answered my prayers! For that I am happy! Read more>>
The short answer: dogs. The long answer: Being of service to others is my core nature. It’s who I am, and what I’m good at. I have always known this to be true, and I’ve rarely found myself in a role that was not in support of something or someone. However, it wasn’t until I discovered You Turn by Ashley Stahl that I realized I was missing a fundamental part of the happiness puzzle. That missing piece was what I loved to do; what made me truly happy. Read more>>
What makes me happy is being able to make art as a job. It’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Tattooing was also one of those professions that I didn’t think I would be able to get into, but here I am. I’m super grateful to be in the industry and excited to see what I can produce. Also, my partner of 8 years makes me super happy. They’ve supported me throughout and pushed me to go ahead and ‘just do it’. Without that push and encouragement, I think I’d still be doubting myself. Read more>>
There is no feeling like discovering a new band, or just a song that makes you stop whatever you are doing and just sit there, fully listening, absolutely hooked by what you are hearing. I’m such a huge fan of music as a whole, but particularly artists that are innovating and breaking through to new sounds and styles of performing. It’s the kind of feeling that pushes you to do things differently, like starting your own record label just to build a community of unique artists. I guess the only feeling that might top that is the energy of a live crowd fully immersed in the music you’re playing. Read more>>