We had the good fortune of connecting with Amber Larusso and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Amber, what’s something about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?
One thing outsiders are probably unaware of is just how much goes into cultivating a session whether it is private or with a group. What I offer as a wellness provider is one part skill and one part soul journey (and one part whatever my client brings with them!) With Vibrational Sound Therapy, I spend time honing my craft, playing my instruments, learning and understanding them, how they respond in different environments, and tuning into them as much as I do to my client during their session. Their energy, intention, and relative openness can change the direction of a session quite a bit. Every session is like weaving a tapestry together with a unique design that we are discovering as we go which is possible when a weaver is seasoned and skilled. In this case, we are weaving with sound, vibration, and energy. But, skill is just one part of the equation. I have to be tuned in, connected inwardly, and also allow my own healing journey to unfold(on my own time). I need to keep up my yoga and energy work practices, cultivating a lifestyle that allows me to be grounded and keeps me clear and aware, so my empathic and intuitive qualities are serving my clients and elevating their experience of personal inner connection. Most people sign up for relaxation and stress release, but this is just the beginning with yoga, sound therapy, and reiki. It can be a gateway to deep healing transformation if people desire that.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
While my business is in the wellness industry, I consider my offerings an art form which is why my business is called Zenna Healing Arts.
It was not easy to get to where I am today. Years fighting through anxiety and depression, chronic illness and so many discouraging voices on repeat in the back of my head. I went through a long process of reclaiming myself, my voice, and my giftings that took decades, only then could I turn around and offer the healing modalities that I do today. It took a tragedy, losing my first daughter who was stillborn at 37 weeks, to invite me back to my connection with music, with sound, with intuition as my guide. It was a period when my yoga and meditation practices felt alien, my body and mind had betrayed me, so I had to find another way through. Ironically, it brought me full circle to who I once was- a lover of music who played and sang offering up their heart, who connected with spirit through sound, who invited others into that connection too. It looked a lot different back then as a teenager, but at the root of things it comes from the same place. I am the same me just more experienced with a broader viewpoint and some hard-earned tiger stripes. And that’s where the magic lies, the remembering, the coming home to yourself.
In terms of starting an actual business, it has taken me some time to build up the courage to put myself out there. Doing what I love and what feels purposeful while having full creative control is the part of having a business that I really enjoy. Taking care of admin, lists, scheduling, and whatnot is 100% not my superpower, so in that way starting a business felt pretty intimidating. There’s also the aspect of visibility, allowing yourself to be seen and opening yourself up to other’s people’s perspectives on what you put out in the world (thank you social media!). I’m learning to become more comfortable with this. I don’t need everyone to know all the ins and outs of my life, but in order for people to feel safe, seen, and cared for, they need to know me and understand who they are coming to and who they are opening up their vulnerability to. Some sessions I do are purely about relaxation, helping someone manage pain or sleep better. In some sessions, people want to go deep and explore their inner world, pursue healing, and recover their innate wholeness. There’s some very restorative work that can go on and it helps when people feel connected, and know they are supported and not alone when tough things come up in a session. As a facilitator people often think we are somehow above the messiness of life and how truly awful this human experience can feel, but the reality is the only reason any of us are qualified to hold space for others is because we’ve experienced some depths of darkness, we have turned towards our shadows and learned to love them.
The art part 🙂 I’ve discussed my background in music a little bit but I also studied fine art black and white photography. My art education in Boston was my 30th birthday gift to myself and it turned out to be a milestone in my journey of remembering. It opened pandora’s box actually, which I wasn’t quite prepared for at the time, but it gave me permission to look at my life and story as art, to make something meaningful out of it. It didn’t have to be pretty, it just had to be honest. And really that’s my m.o. even now. Show up with authenticity, be open to a flow state, and ride the wave of what transpires. With that in mind, I recently began offering Sonic Expansion sessions for artists looking to connect with that flow state and enhance their creativity. There is something truly special that happens when artists get together, no matter their genre, and we activate the alpha brain wave state with sound and vibration then let them loose with their art or journaling or space to continue visualizing. It’s one of my favorite groups of people to work with!
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
If my best friend was visiting the area, we’d be staying at the Le Meridien. We would definitely be visiting 5 Star Salt Caves and eating at El Five (tapas are my favorite!) When I’m in Denver I love to peruse Pearl St. and sit outside with a chai latte to people watch. We’d be taking an afternoon at the Botanic Gardens and going to the Denver Art Museum. I’m kind of a spur of the moment person so I’d be asking people for their best recommendations along the way and see where the wind blows us 🙂
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My dear friend and early teacher Kate Greer who gave me the confidence to chart my own path as a yoga instructor. She continues to inspire me and ignite my love of learning healing practices.
The amazing owners of Peace Out Yoga here in Castle Rock who provided space within their incredible yoga community to share new practices I was passionate about and allowed me to teach with authenticity while coming more fully into my confidence.
Website: https://www.zennahealingarts.com
Instagram: www.instagram/amberlarusso
Facebook: www.facebook/amber.larusso
Image Credits
Yana Capusto