Meet Bryce A. Denton: Owner, Moun10 Partners
We had the good fortune of connecting with Bryce A. Denton and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Bryce A., how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
Overall, I have more of a life work balance, than a work life balance – but it comes with some tradeoffs. During busier times of year or when a client has an emergency, my life is not my own. I often get commentary from friends and family that they wonder when I work, but they are basing that off of social media posts of amazing morning summits, etc – as no one posts about waking up at 5 am for calls with colleagues in Asia. But the reality of my life is that I schedule my work around the activities I love and adventures I plan. Having a healthy balance between the activities I love and the work I do has created a healthier lifestyle for me, and that reflects in my work product as well. Creating a life I love and a schedule that works best for me not only creates a more enjoyable life work balance, but absolutely contributes to a stronger work product, company and environment. I strongly suggest that people – especially in a COVID and post COVID world, evaluate what their most efficient work hours and days are, and schedule their work around that. The vast majority of employers and clients care more about the work product than they do the timing of delivery around that work product. If you work best from 6 – 2 pm, then work that way and enjoy your afternoons off!
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I’ve been working in an accounting role of some sort from the moment I was handed my undergrad degree, at first in public accounting and then as CFO of an association management company. But I was always bothered by the client/service provider relationship that I experienced – it felt like we were there strictly to work FOR the client, not partner WITH them. I wanted something different, more immersive, and far more rewarding personally – not just professionally. Moun10 Partners is truly about partnership. I am still a service provider and they are still a client, but we work as a team. Most of my client’s target customers have no idea that I am not a full-time member of their team. We work that closely with our clients – immersing ourselves in not just their financial operation, but their culture and strategy as well. It is for this very reason that we intentionally seek out companies with values similar to our own, and in areas, we really care about: the environmental and outdoor industries.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
So many places that it is hard to choose. First and foremost, would take them to my favorite hiking and trail running spots in the Evergreen / Golden / Boulder areas. Then grab a drink at one of the many rad breweries here, my favorite being Cerebral right around the corner from my house. Maybe drinks at Middleman before dinner at Q House or Tommy’s Thai (the BEST thai in the city)
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would not be where I am at today without my close friends and family, I cannot thank them enough.