Meet Carolina Ortiz | El taller deco manager

We had the good fortune of connecting with Carolina Ortiz and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Carolina, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
1..We believe that the most obvious answer could be the pandemic, but in our case, that time was the stage to create the company and reinvent ourselves from scratch using technological tools in our favor. We believe that the most challenging part was the inexperience, Juan worked several years in the research sector and, Carolina lasted a few more years building the company on her own when we wanted to make furniture from recycled materials; so we did not have experience in remodeling and interior design, it was through test and error that we were able to move forward, but in that process, there were many problems with providers and builders. Another issue was to start working together all day, adjusting to a new schedule, new roles, and ways of working for each of us, to become a team both as a couple and as a work team.
2.Exaggerated planning seems to us to limit new ideas from day to day even if these expectations that we set as goals are not fulfilled over time can generate some disappointment in the process, we have to understand that the company evolves organically, and there are hard seasons, other seasons of hard work other seasons of growth and others of standstill, but all this is natural in the dynamics of entrepreneurship. Understanding this from the beginning allows us to enjoy each season a little more.
3. Juan worked for six years in a scientific company in fact he could have been the best potato genetics scientist in the world, but his work disappointed him little by little through the years, and he spent a whole year undecided whether to resign or not to dedicate himself completely to the venture, when he made the decision, we prayed and felt that it should be in February 2020, people told us crazy, to wait for more, but we had that conviction, something we could not understand, and so it was, he resigned on February 28th; what we did not know was that 15 days later a global pandemic was coming! And we were about to be locked up at home for almost six months. Then we understood that without that assurance, Juan would have possibly continued working on his genes, and we would not be writing this interview.
4. We believe from our experience that we have understood how God guided us step by step, and in that understanding, we made radical decisions in faith. Let me explain: once in pandemic we understood that we had to reinvent ourselves. So, we removed all the photos from Instagram, and now we would upload them more organized, edited, and some with advertising. Because of that, we understood that we needed a person who knew how to design renders, and although that time. We could not afford to pay her a monthly fee. We decided to hire her and, it was the day that has never failed to pay her. Then we started remodeling houses and apartments. We needed a teacher we could trust, and God sent him. It is to understand the season you are in, understand the needs, and by faith take steps to advance little by little in the growth of the enterprise.
5. To us, this dream has allowed us to understand that this dream was first God’s dream. Because it allowed us to hold on to the hope of His promises. So, when difficulties come, we can trust again and put everything in its place, to think about why we do what we do and that first we must be together as a couple, above all, then there is the company. This has even allowed us to help others through the changes in the spaces because through these, we can change lives and give people a new beginning.
Another highlight that was started to use was the “before and after” photos in the Instagram publications. That contrast consisted to see the same old messy place to something new transformed calls a lot of attention, and it was innovative in the interior design market where they only put the pretty pictures, but never the process.
6. The more we think about ourselves the more difficulties there will be, and despair will always come, but when we focus on our skills, talents, studies, and abilities, there will be selfishness, and that will limit us. Money will come naturally, but always taking care of the why of our company, the bottom line of everything.
7. It is very important, we all have family, hobbies, pets, and friends, and for everything, there is time, this new model of the workaholic is doing much harm to families because life cannot become work each thing has its place of importance and, it is necessary to prioritize time to the most important, without neglecting the other, for that it is vital to delegate responsibilities to others, make flexible agendas and establish work schedules.
8. Caro did an entrepreneurship program at Babson College in Boston because her university in Colombia focused on the creation of their own companies, so it was always in her head not to be an employee but an entrepreneur when we got married, Caro started to collect tires from the street and pallets to make eco-functional furniture, we were interviewed by many radios and tv media because the designs were amazing. Unfortunately, here in Colombia, the theme of recycling is associated with something cheap, and the transformation of this in art was expensive, so we did not sell much, but one day in delivered some puffs, the client told us that if we did remodeling, and there we risked this adventure, without knowing much but with all the desire and motivation we began to train, and through mistakes and learn every day, we have managed to transform many spaces with a unique style.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Bogota, is the capital of Colombia, it is a cold and rainy city but with joy and all the cultures of the country are gathered here, I would take this friend to see the city from the mountain of Monserrate, we would have a good Colombian coffee and then we would visit the museums so that you can learn about the history of Colombia. And if possible, I would take you to see the beaches of Tayrona, the old city of Cartagena and the Tatacoa desert.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
We dedicate our Shoutout to our friends and family that support us in the beggining of the entrepreneurship, they believe in this dream and they helped us not to faint in the attempt