We had the good fortune of connecting with Jena Tack and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jena, is there something you can share with us that those outside of the industry might not be aware of?
Hi! Yes, Home Staging isn’t just bringing in furniture to stage vacant homes. We offer all types of services to homeowners/agents, one being a staging consultation with the sellers. 9 out of 10 can’t visualize the space, especially with the homeowners clutter, so it’s key to have a professional home stager in with a new set of eyes to help them get ready. Many homeowners have lived there for several years (with attachment) and it’s an emotional/stressful process. We lessen the stress and get the homeowners (and agents) top dollar with suggested decluttering, furniture arrangement, lighting, wall color, accessorizing, depersonalizing and first impressions. We play up the positives features an create as many “wows”!
Another industry confusion is…staging is not decorating! I see many decorating enthusiast start staging businesses because they love to decorate. It’s simply not that. Staging is the best marketing tool to sell a home. It’s knowing the demographic market, what buyers want, placement of furniture to make the room “feel” larger, creating that emotional connection for buyers to fall in love, and working from the camera’s perspective on how it will look online as that is what will be brining in the most traffic (online photos).
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’m a Home Stager & Stylist. While I’m new to Colorado, I’m definitely not new to the business! I was lucky to find my passion 15 yrs ago in Home Staging & Design and I added my real estate license for 10 yrs to service my clients all around.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
One thing about moving to CO is I’m lucky to have such amazing friends that come out to visit! Most are from Minnesota, and many have never seen the amazing views and mountains, so it’s so fun to take them out to explore. We’re still learning the area and are always adding to our seemingly never ending list of places to see here. When friends come, we normally go on day hikes or go camping. What’s better than fresh air, getting off the grid and social media, and getting into the beautiful mountain views and spending evenings full of uncontrollable laughing around the campfire?
We feel fortunate to live in a place where we’re exploring and learning about great places daily, it’s always an adventure here.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’m fortunate to have a long list of supporters like my friend, family and clients; but my top shoutout has to be my two children and my husband.
I raised them as a single mom and I worked a lot… to say the least. They never complained, and they stayed positive through all the long hours and hard work. I think they saw how happy I was doing what I loved, and wanted to be as encouraging as they could. I think it also taught them to not only follow their dreams, but to work hard to get the things they want in life. And, definitely my husband (of one year!) who is my biggest supporter, cheerleader, and believes in me more than I believe in myself sometimes.
Website: www.jtackdesigns.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jtackdesigns/?hl=en
Linkedin: Jena Tack
Twitter: @jena-tack
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenaTack.HomeStager/
Image Credits
@spacecrafting @caitlinnightingale