Meet Joe & Theresa Mazza | Creators at Reanimate

We had the good fortune of connecting with Joe & Theresa Mazza and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Joe & Theresa, what matters most to you?
Human connection and community are what drive everything we do. Community is an overused buzzword and all we simply mean is that we aspire to create environments where two or more people can begin to see each other in a different way, in both the product of our work and the process. In live events and performances, this is easier to imagine. But even in media production, we’re always looking for ways that the final video or song will not only find its audience, but how the creators connect with each other, as well.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
We are collaborators in various artistic fields and disciplines. We have been working together ever since we met in 1999 in the music industry of Nashville, TN but we individually got our starts long before that. Each of us began working on our musical craft when we were children, and our paths have taken us from small rural churches to performing in Royal Albert Hall in London. No artistic endeavor is ever easy. It’s always a fight against ourselves – our own insecurities, our own standards, or any number of internal struggles that try to keep us from creating. One of our favorite books is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. The main theme of the book is that art is a daily slog of waking up and doing the work, whether writing, practicing, or handling the business of answering endless emails, regardless of the results. This is what Pressfield calls “turning pro” and is, in our opinion, the greatest challenge of being an artist of any kind. We’ve incorporated that into our brand, Reanimate, which aims to remind people that any artistic spark inside them can be fanned into something greater by committing to do the work.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
For us, the beauty of Colorado is in its diversity of things to do. Of course everyone knows about the major natural beauty attractions like Rocky Mountain National Park, and those are certainly amazing. But when friends and family visit, we always take them for a walk in the open space near where we live, which has beautiful views of the Front Range and an incredible mind-clearing healing power. We love to take people to eat at any locally-owned Mexican restaurant from Longmont to South Denver – there are so many phenomenal spots. Of course, everyone knows that we have one of the best brewery scenes in the country but we usually choose to take people to Spirit Hound Distillers in Lyons for the vibe and cocktails. Lastly, our region has such a diverse and vibrant music scene and we will always take friends and family to catch a local band somewhere.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
We are so grateful for our relationship as a family. It’s so rare to share a creative and business connection with family the way we do with our son, JJ. Whether we are working together on or project or separately, we are always contributing and encouraging each other’s creative process. We are also so grateful for the non-judgmental and supportive friendships we have. In this era of “friendship recession,” we believe 100% in the importance of prioritizing and nurturing mutually caring and supportive friendships.