Meet Joel Williams | Entrepreneur, Family Man, Hunter

We had the good fortune of connecting with Joel Williams and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Joel, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
Our first goal was to create a brand of more affordable camouflage clothing and to help inspire those who wear it. at the same time I knew that for this to succeed in a highly competitive market we needed to create a brand with an identity that would separate itself from the others. knowing these things I got to work brainstorming about how to create a camouflage to accomplish this idea. I studied the history of camouflage from its conception to current camouflaging techniques and processes. after many long nights of reading and learning various techniques I found myself wondering how I was going to make this happen. I understood we needed a pattern that would be effective in all environments and produced a natural pattern of repeat. after contemplating many designs and experiencing lots of trial and error, I soon found myself in a hospital room with my pregnant wife, watching the doctor as he attempted to turn our breach daughter around. i sat there and watched them hook my wife and unborn baby up to all the monitors. as soon as I saw the heart beat of my baby girl I knew right away that this was the missing piece to the puzzle.
another driving force for me to start my own business was working away from my family. I was constantly working out of town, which meant I missed a lot of my kids’ growing up. I wanted to be able to do something that would enable me to be present in my kids’ lives. once again I found heart driving me. it was driving me toward finding a better quality of life, for my family.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
We are a camouflage clothing company that produces technical hunting apparel with a revolutionary camouflage design. Our Wonrate Vayel camouflage pattern has received a design patent from the USPTO. It’s unlike any other camouflage pattern on the market.
By overlaying ekg lines we have created a camouflage pattern that is not only effective but also gives our brand a unique identity that everyone with a beating heart can relate with.
Our brand Wonrate started out as a simple idea has turned into a lifelong pursuit. With 1000 of different camo patterns available our focus has been to use our unique brand of camouflage to help inspire a new generation of people to live there dreams and follow there heart in overcoming any challenges.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
A must when visiting my hometown of Elko, NV the birthplace of WONRATE GEAR, visiting Gunworld and Archery and picking up some essentials, eating a Basque family style steak dinner, at The Star Hotel, taking a tour of The Williams Family Museum then hopping in the side by side to call in some coyotes along the foothills of the adobes. .
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I wouldn’t be here without the support of my beautiful Wife Ashley. She has supported me throughout this crazy journey and is the backbone of our family taking care of our three amazing daughters.
My Parents Jeff and Dessa Williams who have played an important role in helping me move forward, along with my Grandmother Katie Knudsen who has believed in me since day one.
Also, Ive been blessed to have the help from my older Brothers and Sisters who’ve supported me throughout this journey and mentors like Lance Eklund, Tige Johnson, Jim Billingsley and John Craner.
Lastly, this wouldn’t be possible without the knowledge from outdoor gear production specialist Mont Adams, Avid Hunter Austin Cain and my “right-hand” man Wonrate Gear Graphic Designer Brad Warren.
Honestly there’s way to many people, business and organizations to name. THANK YOU!
Instagram: @wonrategear
Linkedin: A. Joel Williams
Facebook: Wonrate Gear
Other: TikTok: wonrategear
Image Credits
Jim Dandy Productions Austin Cain