Meet Kristine Urban aka urbnLGND | Electorforming Artist/DJ/Yoga Instructor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Kristine Urban aka urbnLGND and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kristine, how do you think about risk?
Taking risks and rising to the occasion was always something I seemed to do naturally. It is in our inherent nature to do what is best for our souls, and when we use our intuition, it feels as if we are guided. I seem to feel this guidance with gut feelings and how my heart feels in a lot of decision making, and making my creations. Tapping into the subtle energy system in our body was something I learned at an early age as an artist and creator, and now even more as a yoga instructor. I also learned the basics of western astrology, and how to follow transit periods and important timelines, along with following (my sign’s characteristics-my sun sign is Capricorn, and my moon sign is Leo). So taking risks, being ambitious, having the confidence to create my life, and building new endeavors seemed to just happen for me. The cosmos has a lot to teach us about optimizing our life and obtaining goals. However, I have sometimes fallen into the proverbial rut, and decisions I have made seemed to challenge the confidence I needed to keep going. For instance, I would ambitiously take on a new project such as the electroforming art I do. Then, as I was honing in my skills to become a better artist, I would take a peek at similar artists on social media and quickly get discouraged. Sometimes I would quit what I was working on, and leave it for a bit, sometimes months would go by. But I always knew to pick myself back up again, because I felt such a calling to it. Something always just guides me. I have always loved creating to just create, and without an end goal. Because of this mindset, I would end up returning to my electroforming art. I realize now, that one shouldn’t look externally (or to social media especially) to gain confidence in your own art and creations. If anything, social media can wreck your creativity. Using your inner awareness, your intuition to create, and mindfulness to hone in on the subtle energy, is the best guidance one can have. We are all born with inherent gifts, and taking that risk of trusting the creative process and listening to your body and spirit is the greatest gift we all have. I suggest daily meditation, a regular yoga practice, and just creating to create without an end result as ways to hone in on your magic. If the risk you are taking is meant to be, it will become ever apparent, and will feel natural to your creative process.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I have always been an artist at life, even when I was in sales and marketing jobs that weren’t based around creativity. But it took me a while to listen to my heart, and admit to myself that I needed to be an artist, full-time.
After I graduated from Kansas State University in the 90’s with a Bachelors in Clothing and Textiles (I had been sewing from 2nd grade, so a career in buying and marketing, seemed to be the best choice), I felt compelled to work in the fashion industry. But using early computer programs, along with accounting and just the experience of knowing what was selling, what was trending, etc (now days algorithms help with all of that “knowing” what to buy), was not my best skill. So jobs were not that exciting to me, and I didn’t feel like I could ever be happy in that career as a buyer.
So I switched gears, literally, and worked and raced mountain bikes for a bicycle manufacturer in Southern California. This was fun, and the sales were easy, but again I needed to be more creative. I also went back to school for interior design, because, designing spaces seemed to really spark my interest as a creator. After I left the bicycle company, I worked as a designer with a big tile company, designing homes, kitchens and baths, which I loved, but a relocation made me leave that career.
I met a bright young woman who took me on as a partner with her interior design business. We built a fairly successful business in San Diego, but the long hard hours, cranky clients, finicky timelines, and controlling people in the industry had me questioning my creative career once more.
After some financial changes in the company had me back to figuring out what to do, I became attracted to doing music (my first love). I became an electronic music DJ at 38! I never told anyone how old I was, because to me I seemed so old in this industry of young, thriving music people. But, I loved performing, and could creatively blend my favorite music, and an inspiring performance always shined through me when I mixed and danced on stage. This is about the time, I finally realized, that I needed to be an artist full-time, but I needed to make sure I could be sustainable.
I happened to be living with my boyfriend, Mike in his condo, and we decided that we weren’t going to pay the mortgage anymore. I wouldn’t recommend doing this, but it worked in our situation and at the time with skyrocketing mortgage rates. We realized the consequences and decided to see how long we could stay without being forced out. This was probably one of the biggest risks of my life, but I was prepared to become homeless at any time and live out of my car if it meant I could continue being the artist I was born to be. We did this for over two years, and also cultivated a successful bass music scene in San Diego where we danced, expressed our creative spirit, and built a community of striving artists, many who have gone on to become successful artists in the electronic music scene.
The universe works in mysterious ways, and right before eviction, we were able to procure a 31 foot, vintage Airstream travel trailer, that was a fixer-upper, that we could eventually live in. Together, Mike and I are very hard workers, and we took some gigs that allowed us to make some money to buy a vehicle that would tow the silver beast, that I named “Wilma”. We fixed it up, to living standards while staying on my parent’s homestead in Kansas for seven enduring months, then drove it through Colorado where we bounced around and learned how to find minerals and crystals in the earth.
We eventually came back to land our new home in Southern California, on a lake front property, where our rent was surprisingly affordable, but we had no electricity or water on site. We enjoyed our off-grid life, supported by family and occasional gigs, and really learned how to be frugal, sustainable, and lower our carbon footprint at the same time. I was also on the verge of learning a new art form, the art I do now, Electroforming. The alchemy of my life was occurring, and I was transforming into my heart-centered, art life. And I needed an outlet to make things with all of the crystals we were collecting.
A few years later, a mineral prospecting trip with our little ‘65 vintage trailer that I named “Lula”, found us romping around Colorado once more. We were in love with the mountains, the minerals and the music, so we made another big decision to move here. Mike’s parents followed too. We all live together in Colorado Springs, and share rent, which I highly recommend if you are trying to save money and follow your heart. Mike’s mom is also a lifetime artist, and children’s book author, so we bounce all kinds of ideas around. It is wonderful to have other artists in your life that inspire and offer ideas to keep you flowing. After all, she had a thriving art business with over 30 personal galleries around the world (Sally Huss).
I am grateful for all of my experiences that have helped me get where I am today. And grateful for family and friends that have supported my crazy endeavors. I learned to trust the process and the learning experience, even though some days I really questioned my sanity and my health.
I picked up learning yoga, meditation and mindfulness techniques along with studying eastern philosophies, esotericism, alchemy, herbalism, permaculture, and manifesting, and learned that a holistic life as an artist aligned just right. I also became sober after struggling with alcoholism for most of my life, and a spiritual connection was nourished. Living in nature, seemed to change my perspective that I didn’t necessarily need to make art to be famous or make money (a release of the ego),
but rather to mindfully create, with heart-centered energy, love and light, and being wholesome and healthy, and doors would soon open to sustainability in my life.
I now run an online yoga business (after completing my teacher certification during 2020 and all of the lockdowns, and after realizing a niche for those that don’t want to venture off to a studio). I pass along natural knowledge and healing techniques that helped me personally in so many ways.
My electroforming art is an enjoyable passion, and a bit of alchemy, both spiritually and artistically. I have two Etsy stores and my website as outlets to sell, but doing in-person shows, especially festivals (where I can DJ as well) are my favorite ways to sling my art and self-collected minerals and magic.
As of the beginning of 2022, I was inspired to add a few of my other skills to my yoga business. As a former interior designer, I can help others organize their spaces, and I do design consulting and appraisals too. I hope to follow a path as a life coach. I am drawn to help others creatively optimize their life. And I am a Reiki and energy healer too which is always infused into everything I work with.
I get asked how I am able to balance all of the creative things I do, and it just happens, and I give myself grace when it doesn’t. And I would never have it any other way. With daily meditation practice and mindful movement, I am able to see and feel what gives me purpose, and a connection to my higher self. It doesn’t come from external sources, it comes from within. This guidance supports my every move, risk, and creative endeavor. It’s a infinite spiritual soul journey, living in this temporary existence. And I am so grateful for finding this artistic experience in this lifetime. My life mantra is Live Life Creatively! I hope that my art journey inspires others, and they find what makes their heart sing!
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Living in Colorado Springs for the past four years, I get to enjoy so much of the free nature and trail systems. I am always discovering new paths. Every day could be a new adventure on a mountain bike or foot. As a tour guide, I would focus on visiting as much nature as possible, and since I have access to mining claims in the area, I would certainly incorporate prospecting and finding crystals and minerals as part of our journey. Garden of the Gods hikes are inevitable as I can walk out my back door and into the park. My favorite foodie places to grub on are Shuga’s in downtown Colorado Springs, Rudy’s Little Hideaway, and Humble Coffee for a quick fix. Ohana Kava Bar is a great place to hang with friends, since I don’t drink alcohol but enjoy tea and Kava Kava. I love to shop second-hand, so Redoux Consignment Boutique is an inspiring place to find great quality wearables and home decor.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
From about 6 years old, my mom realized that I loved to be creative. She had me involved in our local 4-H chapter, not just for the agricultural aspect of it, but in 4-H, I learned sewing, decorating (cakes and interiors), music, photography, painting, and a world of craft making. I have much gratitude for my mom realizing that I loved to create and I wanted to learn how to do ALL of the crafts. She loves my art and is still my biggest supporter.
Other: My other social sites: IG: @anandaminerals @urbanfantasia
FB: @alulaapothecary @anandaminerals @urbanfantasia @bassfortress @spandavibes