Meet Logan McLennan | Co Owner/Director of Photography

We had the good fortune of connecting with Logan McLennan and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Logan, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Starting 14K Media happened really organically. I was shooting my own commercial videos in college not really aware of the potential business opportunity. My business partner Matt was doing the same thing. We would help each other out on our own projects and realized after a few projects that we should start something. No real expectations or goals. Just wanted to see where it would go. In the beginning he helped us find a voice and a style creatively also find where we fit in our local market. We started in a very easy-going way and still carry that to this day. We feel extremely lucky to be where we’re at in all of this and I’m really happy with how we got our start.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
14K Media had a very humble beginning, figuring it all out and a lot of great people trusting us with telling their story. We still carry that with us through every project. We want to take our work seriously, not ourselves. We say that because we don’t want to lose the humbleness that we started with. Let the work speak for itself. We’ve learned that treating people well and doing simple things go a long way. We feel very lucky to be where we’re at and we take that into every project.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
In Grand Junction and the Valley as a whole, there are so many things to check out. I think you can easily fill an entire week hiking, biking, eating, and drinking and barely scratch the surface. I think a lot of places can claim that but not like us. We still carry that atmosphere around the valley that is really friendly, kind, and welcoming. Whenever I travel I’m always surprised at how many people have been to or visited Grand Junction and speak so highly of it. When I step back and think there is a reason they love it so much. It’s truly one of a kind.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Our business has had a lot of people support it from our family, friends, other business owners. For me personally, my wife Summer was a huge part in encouraging me and supporting me through some of the crazy early years of figuring it all out and putting trust in myself, the business, and everyone in it. I think Matt, my business partner would say the same. We have so many friends who support the business and always joke that the business kind of has its own friends. Other local businesses who are going through some of the same things we are, connecting with them and help each other out. That’s one of my favorite things about running a small business.