We had the good fortune of connecting with Missy “Mama Miss” Weeks and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Missy “Mama Miss”, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I came from a background where I had personally experienced mother wounds from three different mother figures in my own life. Over the years I’ve met so many women who also had pain around their mother in some fashion, and I knew that by creating this business I could end up creating a community where not only did these women get the love and support of a mother figure finally, but that they could experience what it’s like to have safe siblings. It was so important to me to be able to create these opportunities for healing through healthy relationships.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Another Mother is unique in that we not only provide loving and supportive “Moms” to invest into these daughters through one-on-one Daughter Dates but we’ve built a dynamic sisterhood between the women.

Women can spend time with Mama Miss or Mama Dee in person or via Zoom doing whatever activity they’ve always longed to do with a mom. That might look like coloring while discussing a deeply felt subject, chatting about a crush or a new work opportunity over coffee, or going on a virtual picnic. The options are limitless. They also spend lots of time chatting it up with each other in our private FB group where they can share stories, jokes, words of encouragement, or ask for support from each other. I often go LIVE on Tik Tok and also teach workshops via Zoom.

The bonds are so strong and many have found tremendous healing already. The love they share is the thing I am most proud of. We are looking forward to a camping trip this summer and our First Annual Family Reunion in New Orleans this fall. Women recently flew in from all over America to spend time together face to face and we were all beyond excited to get the “family” together. I also do a monthly meet-up with me for local daughters here in Colorado.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
When the women flew in for our camping trip I took them to one of my favorite spots for breakfast, The Hidden Cafe, in Longmont. My husband and I love the Ma and Pa atmosphere there and it was a fun treat before we headed up the mountain to the Gold Hill area where we will spent a few days. I was eager to show them The General Store and take in some Live Music at the Inn.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My shoutout needs to go to the several young women who were friends with my own kids in high school who allowed me to be a loving mother figure to them. While I’m sure their mothers loved them, there still were wounds that had left a disconnect and lots of pain in these girls. As I heard their stories I began researching mother wounds and the different ways they show up in our thoughts and actions even into adulthood. I then did Inner Child healing work on myself and wanted to share tools and resources with those in need of healing today.

Website: AnotherMotherlovesyou.com

Instagram: anothermotherlovesyou

Facebook: AnotherMother

Other: Tik Tok: AnotherMotherlovesyou FB Private Group: Another Mother Nuggets

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutColorado is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.