Meet Yurintzi Serrato Cano: Nail Artist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Yurintzi Serrato Cano and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Yurintzi, is there something you can share with us that those outside of the industry might not be aware of?
I always laugh when people say things like, “ You JUST do nails” “ She couldn’t get into college so she’s JUST going to cosmetology school”. Most people don’t realize the amount of science, chemistry, math, and business knowledge that goes into getting a beauty industry license. Also, people don’t realize that their nail tech could potentially be a lawyer, doctor, scientist, PHD, teacher, etc. Life is so full of surprises, We don’t JUST do nails, we are Artists, Business People, and in some cases something more.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I am part of a small group of Independent Nail Artist, that I’m happy to say is growing. Just by being an Independent Nail Tech in this industry is unique and sets me apart from the rest. Also, I work strictly with gel products such as, Hard Gel and GelX. Besides also focusing on Nail Art, a big part of my practice is Waterless / Medical Pedicures. I decided to be on my own when I realized that I didn’t want to be a “ conveyor belt” nail tech. I wanted to do more than just basic services, and I wanted to actually address the health and maintenance of my clients’ nails. I find phalanges fascinating, and I love learning new ways to not only making them look pretty, but also how to keep the, healthy. So, while working at a chain nail salon, I enrolled in different classes to get the training I needed so that I could provide the type of services I wanted once I could go off on my own. I had a very clear goal and vision in mind, and that is what kept me focused. It wasn’t easy getting to where I am today in my business, but that was to be expected, I don’t think it is ever easy going into business on your own, no matter what it is. The hardest thing about the whole process was trying not to burn out. I was working full time and going to school to continue my education. This went on for about two years, while at the same time wanting to spend time with my family. There was a point during those two years when I was ready to give up. I thought, why am I putting myself through this when I already have a career?! Why am I taking more classes about feet, when I already know how to do a pedicure?? Why am I starting all over, why did I go to school again when I have already gone through college, grad school and got my PHD?? Then, I realized that my “past life” was not a happy life. My previous career didn’t bring me joy, and the thought of going back to that was enough to make me keep on moving forward. We all have our motivators, and mine was not wanting to be miserable again. Through this whole process I learned to not loose my curiosity, to keep on wanting to learn. It doesn’t necessarily mean to be in school forever, but to learn from experiences. Each of the three salons I’ve worked at have taught me something, good and bad, but I learned something that made me a better Nail Artist, and a better business owner, and even a better human. However, I can honestly say that learning is my addiction, so taking classes and researching is something that I do often. Also, I learned to not be afraid to ask for help. Thankfully, the women whom I consider my mentors and friends in this industry have never denied me a helping hand when I’ve needed it.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I would definitely take my friend to Queen City Collective Coffee in Five Points, they’re awesome. Of course we’d have to have a doughnut from Pandemic Doughnuts next door with our coffee. On the first day I’d treat my friend to an awesome CBD Facial by James at Reign Rituals to cure the jet lag. We’d find a nice hike to go on because it’s the Colorado thing to do. After we’d hike out way over to the Chocolate lab on Colfax because, well, CHOCOLATE! Their chocolate elixir is amazing! Some time during the week, we’d have to go to Aki Hot Pot in Aurora, it’s so good and it’s all you can eat. ( of course it’d have to be after the Rona is gone ). My friend would definitely be a lover of the strange and unusual, so we’d go to the Terrorium Shop to get some sweet little bones, or maybe a cute little framed butterfly, maybe a plant. Then, a reading and a Reiki session with Thalia and Bianca from Reign Rituals. There is so much to do in Denver!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to dedicate this shoutout to my Support Bubble. They are who keep me going, and who have kept me sane when I’m just about to go crazy, and when I go crazy, they embrace my crazy. Mama, Papa, Husband Maru, Thalia, James (awesome Owner of Reign Rituals), Furry Demon Shiva The Destroyer (my cat), and all of the amazing people in this industry I have had the honor of meeting and calling Friend. -Yes… I am pretend holding my Academy Award.-