Meet Nicholas Luna: Photographer & Youtuber

We had the good fortune of connecting with Nicholas Luna and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Nicholas, what led you to pursuing a creative path professionally?
I’ve always been creatively tuned, I guess is how I would phrase it. I always enjoyed reading and writing, always tried to find the beauty in the world, and really the best thing for me was to pick up a camera. Real estate photography is really were I do the best, but it pays for my studio space and equipment to run my Youtube Channel, as well as equipment needed for portrait and film work, that fun creative stuff that isn’t always “in demand.” I guess I kinda went off track, really what it was is I have this internal drive to create, I’ve worked as a mechanic, in restaurants, as a cabinet maker, retail, and nothing ever seemed right, everything always felt dull and numb. Creative work always gave me the spark and joy I felt i was missing in part of my life.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Photography is such a passion of mine. I love every aspect of it, from antique film cameras, old used DSLRs to setting up a shoot with a look I want and actually achieving exactly what I see in my head. My specialty is darker fantasy photography styles and film/ alternative process. Before the world shut down I even had the opportunity to run a pop up Tintype photo booth at a local distillery. The journey itself has definitely been a tough run. There are a lot of photographers, everyone offering their own styles and ideas, the hardest part is getting your foot down and finding your niche.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
This one is hard, I’m not a very social person, nor do I have very many friends, but if my best friend came back to the state for a week I think I have a decent idea of what we would do. Probably start the week at 1908 in Greeley, it’s a really awesome little bar hidden in the basement of the Kress Theatre, it’s the only bar that serves absinthe that isn’t over priced! A plate of nachos from the restaurant upstairs and a few cocktails before headed to the house and watching some studio Ghibli films. The next day we would probably spend in my studio, she is an awesome cosplayer and we always do a cosplay shoot when she is in town, probably hit some antique stores after that. The rest of the week would probably be spent hitting the art museums and the art galleries around the NOCO area, with a mix of YouTube and studio Ghibli films mixed in. She’s not a super social person either so not a ton of public time for either of us. It’s a simple week of art and creativity. Lots of talk on upcoming projects we both have, and the novels we are working on, and a ton of coffee drank.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Shayla Mason, she was the photographer I worked for as an assistant, she taught me posing, angles, lots of lighting tricks and editing. I share a studio space with her, and as soon as the virus is taken care of we are gonna hit it hard and really start shooting a lot more. I can’t wait to continue working with her, every time we shoot together I learn something new!
Image Credits
Models Jessica Thompson Arianna Staiani Koda Larae Baylei Bothwell