We had the good fortune of connecting with Rick Batenburg III and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rick, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
The most crucial factor behind the success of CCMG’s cannabis concentrate brand The Clear™ is the people. The relationship between consumers and a brand is critical to building that brand, and consumer loyalty is what keeps them coming back regardless of which dispensary they walk into.

Internally, working with people who resonate with our vision and align with our goals creates a culture where team members become family and feel empowered to take ownership of moving the company forward. Every person we work with, from investors to budtenders, is essential to the process. Honesty, reliability and integrity are necessary attributes to navigate the venture capital space successfully. The best business plan in the world is useless without a trustworthy, capable team to execute.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Cliintel Capital Management Group (CCMG) is the first qualified institutional fund in Colorado to ever hold a cannabis licensed asset inside of a venture fund. We’re a small venture capital firm that’s always been focused on the human beings invested within it. We take pride in having personal relationships with our stakeholders, which makes our firm successful and unique.

I got where I am today by failing—a lot. To be successful, you must have the courage to try things and fail. Anytime you are working in an emerging market, or the unknown, you must trust your instincts. I failed horribly for the first two years on my own and it finally started to come together after I refined the pitch, strategy and asked for help. My advice: Fail as fast as possible.

Above all, CCMG is a family business working for our investors and people we care about. Understanding that businesses are made up of complex human beings is so important. What got me through the toughest times was knowing that I would do everything in my power to not let down the people I care about. Understanding that it’s hard for everyone—that it’s your willpower and conviction that will pull you through is the most important thing I have learned over the last decade of working in emerging market finance.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
My favorite spots to go are Red Rocks for a concert and if you want somewhere more downtown, definitely cruise the RiNo Art District. My favorite places to eat are Corridor 44 and Jing.

Top of my list is RiNo Art District—so many unique and amazing hidden galleries and murals. Hit LoHi for the most cutting-edge restaurants and hip people. Check out Larimer Street for a high-end, beautiful outdoor setting and lastly, never miss your favorite artist at Red Rocks.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’d like to dedicate my shoutout to two influential people in my life: First, my father Richard Batenburg Jr., as he’s been training me to be a successful business person since I was 3 years old, reading aloud P/Ls in our basement. Second, my right hand and colleague Monica Pina. Without her, I would not have been able to achieve 10% of the things we do on a daily basis. I’m eternally grateful for these two as they are in the trenches with me every day, making me a better person and business leader.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutColorado is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.