We had the good fortune of connecting with Torrey Newman and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Torrey, how do you think about risk?
Risk is inherent in starting your own business; that’s for sure! However measured risk is what I aim for. I think that if you have data + a strong enough feeling that what you are creating is needed, desired, lacking in the market you should take the risk. There is never a perfect time to launch or to take the leap of faith – so you have to be ready to go for it! I’ve taken risks in life starting at a young age. In my youth I was a ballerina and took many leaps of faith whether it was auditioning for the School of American Ballet summer program, trusting my partner to catch me on some crazy move, or going for that extra rotation in a pirouette on point. Before starting my own business I was in sales and every time I cold called a prospect or stood in front of a group of strangers pitching our services I was taking a risk of some sort. You never know what might happen until you show up and do your best! Now my team at Fierce45 knows that I am not afraid to try new things – if anything sometimes I jump the gun ; ) My latest lesson with risk is to slow down just a little bit, gather data, get a badass team together to support me, and then GO!

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Fierce45 offers High Intensity Pilates classes in studio AND now at your very own home! We are more than just a workout though – we are a community of fellow badasses that want to be challenged in body, mind and spirit. We work with intention in movement with ZERO impact on the joints. What makes me beyond excited is that we have the power to have real positive impact on people. We can make your day, week, or even year. Not only help your body to feel amazing but to help you feel empowered and so strong mentally and physically. I want the world to know that we are here to offer the best in class at what we do. We are truly here for you and want to provide a safe, judgement free, and inspiring methodology that helps you feel good. We all just want to feel good!

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Denver is such a fun city right now – even with Covid challenges there is a lot to do! My favorite spots are: Washington Park – walk, bike, stroll, picnic Red Rocks – hike, yoga, catch a concert if you can! RiNO – check out the murals all up and down Larimer and Walnut st. and Denver Central Market Union Station – great food and fun for the kids in the summer Restaurants: Bacon Social House – this is me and my husbands restaurant so I’m a bit biased BUT best brunch in Denver! Super Mega Bien Uncle noodles! Cherry Creek Grill

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are so many that have helped me navigate this path! My grandfather Jot always told me – “you gotta make lemonade out of lemons!” My parents have been cheerleaders every step of the way. My husband has my back through all of the ups and downs. My Fierce Family – the management team – the coaches – the front desk staff – the members and students – this community we have magically created deserves all of the credit!!

Website: www.fierce45.com
Instagram: fierce45

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDenver is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.