Other than deciding to work for yourself, what was the single most important decision you made that contributed to your success?

Deciding to work for yourself is often cited as the best decision folks in our community have made. Hearing the same response over and over led us to ask them about the next best decision folks have made and we’ve shared their responses with you below.
It’s difficult to pick one actual moment, but I believe the willingness to stretch beyond my comfort zone and take a risk, apply to a program, submit the work, send the email, make the call, when I push myself beyond my comfort zone good things happen. If I go way back, applying to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago was the start. I had a BA from a big university, but I had always wanted to get an art degree. Read more>>
Trusting in God and putting my faith in his plan has brought me all of my success! There were countless times I would try something on my own and fall flat and found myself back at ground zero! Learning to listen to the Lords leading and guidance has taken me from a backyard bbq hobby to a full time catering business and now the opening of our first Kiosk in Downtown Denver!! Blessed BBQ continues to expand our footprint with big plans coming in the next year or two!! Letting go and Letting God lead is the single most important decision I have made! Read more>>