To persevere or to pivot is a question that do-ers have been asking themselves since the beginning of time.  It’s never a straight road when you are doing something new, blazing a trail, breaking a ceiling, or pushing boundaries, so it’s only natural to wonder whether to give up midway.  How do you know whether to keep going or to give up?

Diamond (Boss) Nicholson | Small-Dessert Business Owner

I think you know whether you should keep going or give up on your business based on your desire to have the business. I believe that if you truly want something to work, if you continue to put in the work, it will happen. You have this plan, this vision for a reason so even if your business slows down or if the money is getting funny, I don’t believe you should give up on yourself, don’t give up on your dream. Read more>>

Zaneta Varnado Johns | Poet and Author

I am spiritually guided and nurtured. Because I love creative writing and sharing words to uplift others, giving up is not an option. I am passionate about making a difference with inspiring words that meet people where they are. During difficult times, it brings me joy to offer hope and encouragement. Read more>>

Teresa Helgeson | Author, Speaker & Sound Healer

Knowing whether or not you should keep going really is important to following your path. There are so many experiences that can take place that cause you to question your resolve. When this happens how do you obtain clarity to know whether you should continue or quit? Before I answer this let us first understand why this happens. Read more>>