We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey.  We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.

Hunter Battig | World Class Athlete

I feel like the activities that have most contributed to my athletic and personal success have been my habitual practices in being selective of who I place myself around and maintain relationships with. Placing myself around people who inspire creativity are the most beneficial to be around because the energy that is perceived is highly motivational and also builds trust within that relationship. I believe it be necessary to be located around fewer people that strive for more and devote a more positive energy towards their goal than to position myself around a larger number of people that aren’t pushing themselves and each other to reach for more in their craft. Read more>>

KyiranFamous | Ceo, Artist, Producer, Songwriter

I feel multitasking is one of the key things that has helped me succeed thus far. That and always being willing to learn (no matter the source). The world is a huge place filled with knowledge that can be obtained through the simplest conversation. Read more>>

Anne Overstreet | Vice President Minuteman Press Aurora 21

For me, it is perseverance. In 1998, I prepared to run a marathon for the Leukemia Society. I started off running 5 miles, then 7, and pretty soon I would walk out the door and run 15 miles on a sunny Saturday morning. I started graduate school at the time for Speech Therapy and I balanced my training with some arduous thinking and school work. I lived in Cincinnati at the time and it’s called Seven Hills for a good reason-the city is very hilly. I definitely think that running when I didn’t want to, running up steep hills, and even running when I was a bit sore. As a runner, it’s difficult to predict if it’s going to be a good running day or a bad running day. So, you just lace up your shoes, tie them tightly and get out there. It is the same with running a business. In the beginning, you know you need to keep hustling even on days that are tough and even if you don’t want to do it. Read more>>