By far, the topic that comes up most in our conversations with entrepreneurs and creatives is risk. We’ve had conversations about risks that worked out and risks that did not. We’ve seen eyes light eye sharing about career-trajectory changing risks as well as folks sigh about the risks they wish they had taken. Below, we’ve selected and shared some of those thoughtful conversations.
Terry Maker | Artist
My work is multi media employing many different materials and processes. I believe one of the most important aspects of being a successful artist is being and staying curious. Inherent to taking exciting
risks if a sense of curiosity. I believe this quality keeps my work fresh and my audience involved and engaged. Read more>>
Lindy Kurtz | Farmer & Entrepreneur
Taking risks is not who I am. But, I have found that taking risks in my business has proved mostly beneficial. One example, I get a little hesitant when trying a new jacket style. Will customers love it? Will I be stuck with it? I’ve found that people love unique and different. So now, I aim to grab those more rare jacket styles and customers go nuts over them. It’s rewarding to feel their excitement after the anxiety of taking that risk. I would say my business is built on being unique and different, just like each of us have been made. So I love having a variety of jackets available that compliment each person’s choice and personality. Creating customs pieces as unique as you! Read more>>
Maggie Heppard | Interior Designer
Design essentially is risk. Each fabric you choose, the wallpaper to complete your powder, the choice of polished nickel vs antique brass. As a Interior Designer, it is your job to guide the client in risk taking. They are trusting me to ensure that risk meets their needs/wants, and I have to be confident in that decision. Starting this business was and continues to be a risk every day. It is not guaranteed, and I have to work really hard to ensure that it takes me to the next job. Sometimes I fail, but every risk has led me exactly where I need to be. My goal in doing this career is to teach my children that taking risks is part of life, and can give you great success. Read more>>
Kristen M. Olson | Athlete, Entrepreneur, Podcaster
Failure is a big part of success, so risk is everywhere if you are out there and actually living. As we get older and settled it’s easy to live in the path of least resistance and then find ourselves bothered by small things as our worlds get very routine and comfortable. Taking some sort of risk every day is critical- getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is the fountain of youth. I am a long time competitive athlete, so being in front of a crowd and taking a risk was happening often- and so was failure. I was always good, but competed at the top level… top 20 D1 lacrosse player, multi appearance CrossFit Games qualifier etc, so I was never the best out there and often times I wasn’t the winner… BUT, where I did win was with the daily practice of competing and showing up- no matter what. Every day there was a risk that I wouldn’t “win”, so it build confidence, resilience, and a growth mindset that I cling to, to this day and apply to all aspects of my life including my business, KO Alliance, LLC. Read more>>