We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.

Jacob Swain | Filmmaker/Photographer

As a filmmaker, for me, it is really important that I take care of the people around me. This is a career where it costs a lot of money to make a film. It’s difficult, complicated, and messy. In order to cut corners, the budget cut I have seen most often in a film, is to the detriment of other people. I have personally experienced this reality after working for nine months nearly every single day and being paid only $500. That experience nearly killed the desire to work on films for me. From an experience like that, I learned to not cut corners with contracts. I learned how to not just give away my time and my work. Most importantly, though, I learned how to take care of others so that I don’t do the same thing to them. Read more>>

Lily Wyn | Pregnancy loss advocate & kinesiologist

Authenticity is huge for me. In this digital age where so many of us are growing online, I think we have a unique opportunity to create authentic connections online and change the way social media is viewed. It doesn’t have to be this curated feed full of perfection. Instead, I strive for honesty and show more of real life. It’s why I documented the process of my ectopic pregnancy in real-time… showing up in the hard, not just the pretty and happy. In the hopes of bringing awareness to all that goes on emotionally with loss and helping others have more compassion for the loss mommas in their own lives. Read more>>

Brandon illig | Cannabis Sommelier

Quality and consistency. When you have a process or SOP you follow to a tee it allows you to have freedoms to explore avenues within your own process to continually improve. If you don’t want to be the best in th field or industry you’re in why are you doing it? Read more>>

Kristy Gungler | Kristy Gungler is a seeker, teacher and connector. She is a mama, wife, daughter, sister and friend. She holds certifications in Ayurvedic Health Counseling, Forest Therapy, yoga + clinical aromatherapy. She has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and an associates degree in Veterinary Technology. Kristy is a nature-worshiper whose deep desire and calling is to re-connect humans to nature for the betterment of themselves, their communities, and our beautiful planet, Earth. Through her Earth Bird Wholebeing practice, she offers Ayurvedic Health counseling, guided Forest Therapy walks, seasonal online workshops + courses, teaches a weekly yoga class and is a small-batch distiller of aromatic and therapeutic hydrosols.

The principle that keeps me grounded and aligned with my intention for my business, is the principle of authenticity. The definition of authenticity is ‘of being genuine or real. authenticity is the quality of being genuine or real.’ When I first started out creating offerings and sharing my vision and mission for Earth Bird Wholebeing, I often wondered if others would find benefit or even be slightly interested in what I was doing. Being in the “wellness” space, it can often times feel overwhelming that there are so many other options or businesses sharing ways to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Read more>>

Joe Nierstedt | Restauranteur & Food Concept Magician

Quality. The quality of output and adhering to high standards makes a difference. In the long run, quality always costs less, even if you think that the time or product that you put into it is more expensive. This is because you don’t have to look over your shoulder or pay the price of things breaking, cleaning up messes, and all of the other risks that people forget about when you cut corners. Do it right the the first time – it is good for your soul and for your wallet. Read more>>