We asked some of the happiest folks we know to tell us their secret.

Anthony Le | Dance Music DJ

Friends, Family, and Music. Friends because they are the ones that believe in what I do, show up to each event that I have the opportunity to perform at and are always the ones to pick me up when I am feeling down or discouraged. Read more>>

Kendra Lee Wiebke | Landscape & Travel Photographer

Exploring nature with a camera in hand. It makes me happy because that’s when I’m the most at peace. My mind quiets down and the anxieties and worries of life melt away and all that matters is the beauty around me and seeing the big and small details. Read more>>

Alyssa Montaño | Concert Photographer & Middle School Assistant Principal

I find pure joy in photographing, editing, and sharing photos from the incredible live shows happening in Denver. Unsurprisingly, I’ve always loved music. However, since moving to Colorado and meeting my fiancé, Luke Story, it’s become a part of my daily life. Read more>>