In our experience, most folks, including ourselves don’t have enough of an understanding of risk and the role it plays in our lives and careers and so we have made a concerted effort as a team to have conversations about risk with our interviewees. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Kane Kelly | Consultant, Producer & Artist

I approach risks from a calculated stance. Logic has to play an important role in assessment of risk. So the time you invest in life and a career is the risk you are taking as to whether or not that time has significant return. Great risk does not always equal great reward. Which means you can place a lot of time into something and never see results. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was when someone told me to quit thinking of financial success in hourly concepts. To equate your time given as an hourly cost or value is the one concept that will keep anyone from excelling in business. Read more>>

Zach Galindo Executive Director – Lake Highlands School Of Music | Musician and Entrepreneur

Risk has played a major role in my professional life and career and is perhaps the most important factor in me becoming a successful entrepreneur. Risk creates some inherent discomfort for all of us, depending on our mentality and our makeup. I consider my tolerance for risk to be somewhat average. Risk creates uncertainty and I have had to train myself to deal with uncertainty more healthily over the years. I have always tried to maintain a mentality of, “If you can, you must,” and I knew I could build the schools successfully. So while my tolerance to risk was simply average, my rational sense and will is largely what compelled me to grow. There have been several main risks that have been integral to the arc of my journey. Read more>>

Hollie Bellino | Professional Pilot and Flight Instructor

Thinking back to some of the most memorable, most enjoyable and most exhilarating experiences in my life, risk-taking and making big moves has had an incredibly positive impact on not only how my life has played out but also on my personality and how I conduct myself. I’ve taken many risks in my life whether it was not studying for a test, talking back to my parents, not waiting long enough for food to cool before eating it or misjudging my athletic skills, but there are a few risks in particular that really stand out in my mind. Read more>>

Sparta Komissarova | Website Developer & Social Media Marketing Guru

When I decided to start my own business in 2009, I’d been working in corporate America but was facing the end of my marriage with full responsibility of my two sons. I’d grown up with entrepreneur parents so it wasn’t totally new to me. With that being said, I took the leap and decided to take my clients and start Internet Guru Girl LLC. The only way I knew I could work full time and be a full time mom to my sons and involved in every aspect of their lives without missing anything. The risk was worth whatever it took to be their mom first. Read more>>