In our view, values and principles are the foundation upon which our lives, careers and relationships are built. So, we asked folks we admire to open up to us about the values and principles that matter most to them.

Jant Eden-Harris | Business Consultant

The value that matters to me most comes from a client I have worked with that uses it as part of their values framework: Give Joy. One might wonder how the concept of Giving Joy fits into making business successful. But it is at the root of every business discipline that drives growth. We give joy when we build great products and solutions that relieve challenges for our customers We give joy when we mentor our colleagues as leaders and help them experience what they’re capable of. It’s the definition of excellent management skills We give joy when we make the myriad business decisions that impact how we operate, when choosing them through the lens of making the organization a great place to work, and one that stands up for its customers We give joy when we manage the business finances to provide for the business. At the end of my career, it’s highly doubtful that I will be remembered for the many decisions I made, the sales I have closed, the product decisions I’ve driven, or pricing recommendations. I believe if I do it right, I will be remembered for helping others be great. And hopefully…for giving joy. Read more>>

Kim Easton | CEO of the National Sports Center for the Disabled

While it is difficult to choose only one value that matters most to me, I would have to say it is to live with purpose. My purpose is to make a positive difference in the world by taking action. 1. Make a positive difference in the world (not just the bottom line) 2. Advocate for others who don’t have the platform, voice or opportunity to advocate for themselves 3. Help others attain their unrealized potential 4. Push the status quo through innovation 5. Take action at any level needed – jump in and get things done where others aren’t or aren’t willing It has taken me many years to be able to identify and share my purpose statement. I believe we all have underlying passions and intentions that drive our decisions and determine where we invest our personal resources, but it is not always obvious or clear if we don’t take the time to reflect and recognize what those are. Interestingly, research shows that fewer than 20% of leaders have a strong sense of their own individual purpose. Fewer still can distill their purpose into a concrete statement. Read more>>

Kelly Bryant | Leadership Coach and Founder

Being deeply curious, and constantly in pursuit of new learning and growth experiences, has pushed me beyond my comfort zone into a life of conscious choice. By being curious with others, with the world, and mostly with yourself, the old stories that drive discord and interrupt our higher calling start to fade away. Professionally, this curiosity initially led me through a variety of industries, roles, types of organizations, and business disciplines in the corporate world. I leaned into my personal curiosity much further when I left the corporate world in 2017 and started working as a solo-entrepreneur, consulting for healthcare tech startups. I created new opportunities for myself, and awakened to my own creativity, capabilities, and direction, independent from a boss telling me what I should do next. Over the past several years, by getting off the hamster wheel and starting to listen deeply to my intuition, I’ve been inspired to return to one of the most fulfilling aspects of my professional life – coaching and mentoring others. Read more>>

Zanib | CEO of Freedom Waves, Vocalist, Violinist, Composer, Producer, Designer, Artivist

Freedom matters most to me. I believe there are too many limitations in society and even in the creative world where there are expectations of how things should be or certain boxes we should fit into. I think freedom is the ability to express and move with no boundary, no expectation or limitation. I believe freedom is limitless. If we are able to be free within our individual selves and within the things we create we will be able to liberate others. When people are free they are their authentic selves. In such a material, glamorized and filtered world, it is hard to find true authenticity except in moments of freedom. Freedom is a channel to love, self love, love for others, love for life, when that love is reached we are able to radiate peace and more individualism for others to liberate themselves. Read more>>