In our view, values and principles are the foundation upon which our lives, careers and relationships are built. So, we asked folks we admire to open up to us about the values and principles that matter most to them.

Ana V. Ramirez | Photographer

Home is a place of comfort, an oasis where we can recharge. And while that means something different to each of us, the same principle applies. I create art to help people make their space a refuge; a space that brings them joy and expresses who they are. I’ve moved around a lot and in every home I find ways to make the space mine. My goal is to help others do the same with my art. When helping others choose one of my images I always ask: “What speaks to you? What do you feel?” Read more>>

Emily Sloan | Somatic + Psychedelic Therapist

The name I chose for my business might clue you in on this one… Curiosity is a core value of mine in pretty much all areas of life. Personally, relationally, and professionally. I’m a curious person by nature (I think we all are actually), but I also strive to cultivate more curiosity-driven interactions. To use curiosity and wonder as the lens in which I see people and the world. I think it allows me to lean in with people. To approach people and situations with a beginner’s mind. Curiosity over judgment. I really want to understand more about what leads people to their beliefs + patterns, even when I don’t agree. Read more>>

Arthur Lujan | Owner and Coach

The most important value to us at Montrose BJJ is commitment. Commitment from us as the Coaches and Owners to show up each class and provide the best knowledge and instruction that we can and commitment from our students to come and give their best efforts. Read more>>