So many of the folks we work with have multidimensional stories. They often aren’t just working on a single project, business or mission – instead they are often involved in so many things all at once and so we often wonder about what they themselves hope their legacy will be about. We’ve shared some of their responses with you below.
Joel Crosson-Kline | Tattoo Artist
Legacy is such a powerful word. It is so rarely used anymore that it sounds almost mystical when mentioned, like it fits best when spoken in circles of royalty and philosophy. A word that inspires a man to be more than he was yesterday; and inspire other men to seek a better tomorrow. I hope to be remembered for just that. The voice that inspired, art that spoke a message, and friendship that lasted. For out of all that we do as people, what are we doing if we’re not leaving a good path for others to walk after us? Read more>>
Cara Lam | UX Writer & Blogger
My motto has always been “you only live once.” From studying abroad to choosing an unconventional career path in tech, I hope that I’m showing to people around me that life is not linear and that everyone can create their own paths. And above all, enjoy life! There’s way too much to see and experience in life — sitting in front of a computer won’t do life justice. Read more>>
Olivia Poles | Yoga Instructor & Energy Healer
As a yoga teacher and healer, I strive to make others feel safe and at home in my presence and in their own. One of the hardest things about finding a balanced connection between the mind, body, and soul is being able to sit with your emotions, and with that, I aim to hold that space for others. Yoga is an encompassing practice and is much more than just the physical postures, I want to be someone who is always giving back to the practice, the community, and the earth. Read more>>
Danny Pauta | Ecuadorian-American Artist, Producer & Record Label Director
I hope to be considered an Ecuadorian-American musical vanguard and entrepreneur. I want generations of people to be inspired by the music and history of my indie record label Soundbreaker Records. Read more>>