Why they do what they do

We asked some of the city’s leading artists and creatives to tell us about how they decided to pursue an artistic or creative career. We’ve shared some highlights below.
I pursued a creative career because I feel the most at ease when I am creating. I love working with my hands and keeping them busy so my mind can wander. I feel the freest way to express myself is through my artwork. Read more>>
I pursued an artistic or creative career because I believe in the efficacy of the arts to produce social change. Over the years, I have been inspired by many writers, photographers, and filmmakers who have ignited conversation and changed societal discourse. Read more>>
I have always gravitated towards art, especially music. The moment my mom put me in piano lessons at the age of 7, I was hooked. At first, it was a hobby… Then as I grew older, it became an emotional outlet. Once opera was introduced into my life, when I attended Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School as a vocal major, my love for music slowly transformed from being an emotional outlet to a career path. Read more>>
My creative life has always been evolving. No matter what job I have had in the past, I was always able to weave something creative into it. It’s part of who I am. It’s just inevitable that I am where I’ve always imagined I would be. Read more>>
I’ve had a drive to draw since I was little and it’s been always something that’s brought me happiness. So I figured the best career path for me was one steeped in art. Tattooing has allowed me to not only learn and hone my style as I progress, but it’s given me an opportunity to not only tattoo for a living, but explore other outlets such as painting and gallery shows. Read more>>
I always really enjoyed music as a way to pass the time and to add something enjoyable in the background. I grew up in a smaller town where there wasn’t a lot to do, and so playing guitar gave me a skillset that my hometown could never have offered me. When I entered middle school, one of my friends at the time introduced me to Monstercat, which sparked my love for electronic music. Read more>>
I have pursued a life of making art and indulging in my creative impulses. For me, it only makes sense to own my own business where I can follow the creative creative impulsives and do the wildly eccentric things that I want to do while also making a living and supporting myself and my friends and family. Read more>>
Growing up I spent all of my free time making art of some kind. When I was younger in school it was hard, I was never the best reader, I’m dyslexic and never gravitated to any other subjects other than Art. Over the years my love of art has evolved, I have added new creative outlets, and found ways to mesh my favorites together. When you are younger and talk about “pursuing art” when you are older, you are typically met with: “you can’t make money doing that.” And when it came time to go to college it stuck with me. I couldn’t see a future where I was able to make money off of doing something that I love. It didn’t last long. Read more>>
I do real estate development for a day job, with Don’t Call Me Charlie’s (ice cream) being somewhat of a hobby in my free time. The part I love best about real estate development is the creative part – being able to create new and exciting places. The ice cream opportunity at Bluebird fits that mold, in that we were able a unique and fun experience, at least we hope our customers think so. Read more>>
I can’t actually say that I pursued an artistic or a creative career. I think I evolved into my current iteration of a creative life more than actually deciding to go in that direction. Read more>>
I’ve always been a fascinated by comedy and comedic acting and having my own TV show has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I wanted to get a job as a voice actor in cartoons as kid but that’s a real tough nut to crack in the pre-internet days unless you pack up and move to California Read more>>
One of the main reasons I chose to pursue an artistic career is because I love to focus on the details of life. Especially on cars. Being able to capture the little details that make up a car is really special to me. Some of my favorite cars to shoot are Classic Cars. Cars really aren’t made the way now like they used to be. I also decided to do automotive photography because I have a love for both cars and photography so I combined my two passions and started bringing my camera to car shows which helped me meet so many people who have helped me get to where I’m at today. Read more>>
Simply put, happiness. Being an artist is the only thing I ever wanted when I was younger. I have always had a natural artistic talent but lacked the confidence I needed to develop that into a full-time career. I worked a handful of meaningless jobs in my youth, mostly retail. I would do quite a few commission drawings a year, but my mental health was at an all-time low working for Walmart. I knew things needed to change. Read more>>
Like many creatives, I loved art at a kid, whether it be sculpting with clay or slathering paint on canvas. This was the same for my Mom as well as my four kids. We are all very fortunate to happily immerse ourselves in art for hours to the point of it being meditative and therapeutic and often losing our sense of time. As I finished college and begin to establish myself in the new field of adventure recreation and outdoor education I bought my first real mountain bike in 1984 – a Specialized Rock Hopper. Read more>>
Coty and I were fun chasing, adventure having hippies with little to no restrictions on life for a long time. When we started our family by welcoming our little boy, we realized living life this way was possible, but not the greatest for providing. When we decided to move out of our van and into a home, we pursued a small tie dye business to keep the bills paid and to keep the fun in our lives. Read more>>