There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
Estin McGraw | Lead vocalist of Estin & the 86’d
Sharing the same vision with each member of the band. We see it a lot in the local scene that bands have rotating members, which we understand is a completely normal and common occurrence, but being able to stick with the same group of people really enables the creativity to flourish. Read more>>
Christina / Stephanie Chady / Michele | Tiny Spoon co-Editors-in-Chief
Our literary magazine Tiny Spoon is successful because it is a vibrant extension of our own creativity. Everything that we do comes from a place of immense care and passion, and this drives us to continue to expand all that we do. True to the mission of our overall magazine to be experimental, we are always trying new things to see what best suits us. We’ll often have meetings that are vivid brainstorming sessions, where our editors are tossing around ideas, “Wouldn’t if it be cool if…” and many of these ideas will come to fruition. We are a coagulation of creative spirit. We’ve been around for five years now, as we founded in January of 2019. It seems about each year we introduce something new to try. We now offer print or online publications, social media features, residencies, workshops, and more. It gives us energy to have openness to new things and shows our community that we are actively trying to enhance all that we do and to find more ways to bring everyone together over art and literature. Tiny Spoon is an authentic expression of our love of creativity, embracing it within others, and bringing together community around art and literature, and our spirit welcomes and resonates with many who are published in our magazine, attend our workshops, apply for our residencies, and beyond! We’re grateful to all of them, and the foundation that we can all support one another and celebrate our creativity, quirky practices makes Tiny Spoon what it is. Read more>>
Samy Mattei | Occupational Therapist and Yoga Instructor
The most crucial factors behind my success, as well as the success of my “brand”, is a mix of a few key elements. Kindness forms the foundation of my approach, creating a positive and inclusive environment that fosters collaboration and connection. By actively engaging with others and bringing people together, I am able harness the collective power of diverse perspectives. Read more>>