Where are you from and how has it impacted you?

Even if you are from the same neighborhood as someone else, you might still be coming from different places. Where you are from is a complicated question and it elicits complicated, but interesting and thought-provoking responses. We’ve shared some of those responses below.
I grew up in Southern California as the daughter of an American mother and a Korean father. I feel like I was raised on the perfect balance of East and West and that is something I have carried with me my whole life. I am a doctor of Chinese medicine, master herbalist, formulator, entrepreneur, and author, committed to spreading the knowledge of the East to Western audiences in a way that is fit for our modern lives. I come from a long lineage of doctors and herbologists who dedicated their lives to understanding the human condition– mentally and physically– and the ways in which proper herbal formulas, movement, and philosophy of life can help us attain our best condition possible and live the happiest and most balanced life possible. I call these 3 aspects of life the 3Ms of Myung Sung–meditation, medicine & movement. Read more>>
I come from quite a large Midwest family: my mom is 1 of 12 children and my dad is 1 of 8 kids, and I have 50+ cousins and more second cousins. In terms of physical assets, my family didn’t have much. As the youngest grandchild, I lived in hand-me-down clothing from my sister and cousins, and on the weekends I went to yard sales and Goodwill with my grandpa to find new-to-me treasures to play with and entertain myself. When you don’t have a lot, it forces you to think creatively and inherently become resourceful for entertainment purposes – or it did for me. Read more>>
I was born in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico the biggest state in Mexico, although it is mostly desert the city is a place were it is always colorful and full of life, with the sweetest people to grow up around. My upbringing was a mixture of Chihuahua and Colorado, there was definitely a culture shock when I moved here at eight years old, as I was trying to integrate to a new culture I didn’t want to forget my heritage. As an artist I try to keep very present my Mexican roots and the culture that raised me into the person that I am today. Read more>>
I grew up on a cattle ranch 15 miles north of a tiny mountain park town on the Western Slope of Colorado – Walden to be exact. It’s the “Moose Viewing Capitol” of Colorado, and it’s absolutely beautiful. In the 2010 census, the population was 608. There are zero stoplights, zero fast food restaurants, and often times zero visibility during snow storms. But for a town with so little material things to offer, it sure had a big impact on who I am today. Read more>>
I’m from a place called Jasper it’s a small town in Southeast Texas. I think the biggest thing I took from growing up there is how to handle adversity, which I think a lot of people lack that. It’s certain things that’s going on in the world today that I was exposed to at an early age so I think I see the world in a difference lens than a lot of people but through faith and hard work you can overcome any obstacles and that’s a method that’s continued to bring me success. Read more>>