How do you think about work-life balance?

By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.
Work life balance is a high value for us, yet it’s not so easy to attain – and maintain – in reality. It was actually much easier for us to maintain a healthy work life balance back when Marc was working for an employer. He was really disciplined about finishing work on time and switching off. He almost never answered emails or took work calls after hours. I, Julie on the other hand, had a history of workaholism in my prior life (while living in Sydney, Australia) that I wanted to change. And Marc set such a positive example for me. I was inspired by witnessing the example he set in such healthy behaviors around his work. Especially as it was so evident how beneficial that was to him – in his life, his health and wellbeing – and our relationship! But in 2016, Marc’s work-life boundaries were pushed by his employer by such unhealthy levels that it had a serious impact on his mood, level of happiness and physical health. He would experience bouts of PHN – post herpetic nerve pain – which took a toll mentally, emotionally and physically. Read more>>
Ever since I was a little kid my life has been lived in extremes. Therefore balance always played a major role. I was very active, playing sports year round, but was also the ultimate home body who loved alone time. Today, being 27 years old, my life has has not changed much. I thrive in chaos and often put unrealistic deadlines on projects to prove to no one else but myself that I can do the job. I stress communication and seek criticism. When I was younger I was not very good at either of those. I would take things personal and create problems for myself that did not exist. In my early twenties I realized those issues would not get me far. I began self improvement exercises that sometimes were pretty extreme. I learned self discipline and began to feel very comfortable with myself. I no longer take things personal (of course there is exceptions with family and close friends) but my focus is to remove emotion from conversation and action. Read more>>
Striking a balance is probably one of the most difficult challenges for anyone. And as a parent, it’s just compounded. As a mom, business owner and wife, I get pulled in so many directions. For a while, a daily workout was enough. It was more for my mental wellbeing than physical, but definitely did both. Quality time with my close friends, especially in COVID, is extra important. If I do not get to hike, lunch, or something with a close friend almost every week, I get grumpy. And, while all of this helped me find balance, something was missing. I realize what that thing is now, but at the time I could not define it. Working out is good for my physical being, relationships are good for my heart, but I needed something good for my soul. That was the missing piece. I grew up playing piano, but had gotten rusty having not played for a decade (at least). I started taking lessons again about 2 years ago. Piano has become a meditative place for me. Read more>>
This is probably the most challenging part about running your own company. When I first entered brewing there was no amount of work that was too much. And when we opened CTA it was the same way. Thirteen years later I have certainly slowed down a little and tried to prioritize other things in life. These days it is very difficult to separate yourself from work no matter how much you prioritize work life balance. I have definitely gotten better about it over the years, but when your phone buzzes and it’s related to the business that you own, it’s really difficult to say, “Oh I will get to that later.” And in some cases you don’t even have that choice. For the service industry, especially during COVID, there are things that simply cannot wait. Before COVID, we had been open long enough and had a staff that was experienced enough that I could turn off my email notifications, or leave my phone at home or in the hotel while on vacation. Read more>>