How to know whether to keep going or to give up?

How do you know when you should keep going versus when it makes sense to cut your losses and try something new? It’s a difficult decision most entrepreneurs and creatives have faced along their journey and so we asked some brilliant folks from the community to share their thoughts.
I believe that we are confronted with that choice every day. I always choose to keep going! This is how I think about it: If you love it- then never give up! If you have fallen out of love with your art, or it is no longer serving you, then it is time for some reflection. Now that being said, our passions and creative pursuits can take different forms and space in our lives over the years. Read more>>
I’ve been running my photography business full time since May 2021 and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve questioned if I should keep going. I often wonder “am I good enough to make this work as my career?” Each time I have to slow down and remind myself that this is what I’m meant to be doing. Read more>>
How to know whether to keep going or to give up– that’s a question in the minds of many small business owners I’ve connected with. For Threadiful, I know that right now is the time to keep going and to push even harder. It’s a scary thing– to start a new business. Read more>>