We asked some of the brightest folks in the community to open up to us about the most important lesson their business or career has taught them. We’ve highlighted some of those responses below.

Shealeen Bishop | Floral Watercolor Artist and Online Educator

That small and consistent efforts over the long haul is more powerful than sporadic big efforts. It’s also taught me that you need to love what you do, and connect with why you do it. If I didn’t love what I did, I don’t know if I would be able to handle the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Read more>>

Liz Ortiz | Latina Artist & Small Business Owner

The importance of adaptability. I’ve learned that things don’t always go as planned, especially in the world of markets and workshops. But being able to adjust, whether it’s adapting to participants’ skill levels in my workshops or handling health challenges in my personal life, is crucial to keeping the momentum of my business. Read more>>

Joanna Resnick | Acupuncturist

Being an acupuncturist and energy worker has taught me so many beautiful lessons. The most important lesson has been to maintain healthy boundaries as an entrepreneur and service provider.
Time and energy is as important and valuable as money. If you are giving too much and not being respected or having healthy boundaries, it interferes with your business. You will not have as much to give if you’re never receiving or refilling your own energy. Read more>>