Meet Al & Susan Unser | Retired Race Car Driver & Business Woman

We had the good fortune of connecting with Al & Susan Unser and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Al & Susan, we’d love to start by asking you about lessons learned. Is there a lesson you can share with us?
Both Al and I have been persistent in our efforts to reach goals. Putting in the time and effort, learning from mistakes and asking for advice.
What should our readers know about your business?
Currently our business is remodeling an 4,000 square foot 1954built building in downtown Chama. We have called the Chama Valley our second home since 1970 and now that it is our only home we felt a responsibility to be part of the community as a business partner. Once the building is finished and tenants are doing business our next goal is to work with the village and other business owners to provide ample public restroom and picnic space.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Now that we have retired to our ranch in Chama, we have so much more time to enjoy the outdoors and we could get out the ATV’s for a day on the mountain, perhaps hunting mushroom or exploring new trails. Early morning and late afternoons is great fishing off the back porch on the Chama River for Rainbow and German Brown trout, grilling some dinner and then sitting around the firepit. Grab a cup of cappucino at the Rio Expresso and enjoy a day trip on the Cumbres Toltec Rail. It is a great way to see Northern New Mexico and to just relax. We have a small herd of Alpaca which provide entertainment and if it is winter, we can tune up the snowmobiles and go climb mountains and, of course, race.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Al’s big shout out would be to all the people who love racing. There would be no race tracks without race fans. They buy the tickets to the races and because of them Al got to do what he loved to do, which was race cars. When he retired and we created the Unser Racing Museum in Albuquerque, the State of New Mexico stepped up to honor his career and when it was opened in 2005, he was able to spend more time with those race fans as they visited the museum and appreciates just how important they are to the sport.
Al was inducted into the Pikes Peak Hall of Fame this past year and has driven and won that course many times, along with his son, brothers, father and uncles. His family instilled competition.
The Indianapolis Motor Speedway provided the platform for Al’s legendary successes at the Indy 500. AJ Foyt gave him his first Indy ride, Parnelli Jones, his first team, Roger Penske his forth win. These men and many others contributed to his career.