Meet Betsy Clark | Mindset Chaplain ~Your Mindset Matters

We had the good fortune of connecting with Betsy Clark and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Betsy, as a parent, what have you done for you children that you feel has had the most significant impact?
When my son and daughter were young (5 and 7 years old), we signed them up for 4-H. We bought both of them their own rabbits and built the hutch for them. Then we said, “you are on your own, these rabbits are yours to care for.” They decided to create a rabbit business and breed their rabbits. They funded their rabbit business by helping my husband and me in the family business. Through 4-H and rabbit shows they developed award winning rabbits. Which not only built their business, it increased their confidence to speak in public, A benefit of learning how to show your livestock before a panel of judges at a young age. Another aspect of 4-H is you have to keep meticulous books on your livestock. This created a discipline on how to systematically track your activities, finances and balance your books. Both of my children went on to get advanced degrees after college and incurred minimal debt because of the years of mindfully following good business and financial practices.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I have always had a creative bent in life. I love to draw, use my camera to frame beauty and cooking is currently my biggest creative outlet. My husband and I started a decorative interior painting business in the early 1980’s. We specialized in faux finishes (decorative wall finishes) and high end wood finishes. My husband continues in that arena today. We had so much fun creating safe spaces for our clients through the use of color. Helping clients claim their style, enjoy their space and let it be a genuine reflection of who they are. We knew that asking powerful questions prior to applying any paint on that project would determine how successfully we accomplished our clients goal. In addition I was a color coach for interior designers and our clients. I stepped away from working in the family business because it was too physically taxing. I jumped into coaching women in business as my next career move. I still say I work in interior design, previously I accomplished that with paint, now I use words and help women define an interior that expresses who they truly are. I am a Mindset Chaplain, I support women to own their brilliance, stand up on the inside and have the resolve to do what only THEY can do. I help my clients integrate their head and their heart, to express their power with grace and live a regret free life. I absolutely LOVE what I get to do each day. It is rewarding and so satisfying to watch women succeed according to their Personal Ground Rules™.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
We have a truck camper, that is our get away. There are so many places in Colorado that give me rest from the hustle and bustle. Cheesmen Canyon, the Western Slope, Paonia, the Roaring Fork Valley, the Comanche Grasslands to name just a few. I love riding my bike. There are so many great places to ride it boggles the mind.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
To stand on someone’s shoulders is a phrase that is attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, ‘If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.’ How I interpret this is we are who we are because of the hard work of the people who came before us, who have given us a leg up and challenged us to see more. Life is about standing on someone’s shoulders. My family is a group of people I want to give a shout out to. They have supported me on this nonlinear entrepreneurial journey the past 42 years. eWomenNetwork is a strong support system for me. They have created a community for me to learn, experiment and push through. I have grown and developed tremendously through my association with eWN. I am grateful for the founder Sandra Yancey and all of my eWN sisters. Toastmasters helped me find my voice. My Toastmaster Club was a safe place to experiment, try new techniques and spread my wings. This group ultimately got me on stages that would have scared me spit-less prior to our work together.
Other: If you would like to set up a time to connect or have a strategy session, click on this link to set up a time with me. https://www.betsyclarkllc.
Image Credits
Tricia Turpenoff: Turpenoff Photography