The Risk Series: how do you think about risk?

Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
In my opinion, “Risk Taking” is one of the most important things a leader needs to be comfortable with. It is exactly like stepping into a fight. A fight is scary if you’re not mentally prepared for it & the same goes with “Taking Risks”. “Risk Taking” is literally the line in the sand that forces you to make a decision. It either allows you to pass through with “planned success”….or hinders you & forces you to learn from mistakes you took “on a gamble”. Taking risks is critical for growth though. It is the epitome of the “Fear of the Unknown”. Read more>>
Risk taking is truly a part of any successful career, whether that be to a large or small degree. Without challenging yourself to take risks, one can truly never know their full potential. I have always had the mentality to approach life and my career fearlessly because that is the way we grow. We grow when we are uncomfortable, we grow when we fail, and we grow when we allow ourselves to dare to be bold. It is scary to take risks, but I am more afraid of living fearful because in my opinion, that is not living at all. We are called to be bold and confident. Without taking risks, I would not have my company MEG Productions and I would most certainly not be where I am today. Read more>>
Risks with a capital R – I’m a fan and I’ve taken a few. Examples include leaving my decade-long, Manhattan-based career in finance for my graduate program in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Portland, Oregon, the times I traveled alone to India or backpacked solo through the PNW, and most recently moving to Denver when love came calling with an opportunity to start a new private practice! In those pivotal decision-making movements, oddly enough I never feel like I’m taking a big “Risk”, but rather just taking the next big leap to meet my deepest self. Read more>>
Risk, to me is a very powerful element in my life. I use it to push me to strive in uncomfortable situations, it always me to find my passion in areas I never knew existed. I enjoy risk taking and I think everybody should. Risking my career as a video producer to start my own business was super scary and very uncomfortable. You are risking money, time, friends, relationships, your home, and even your sanity. But with all that at stake, you find yourself. You find what you are capable of doing. You find the importances in life. You find your desires and your flaws. It’s crazy how scary it feels starting something new from scratch when you have lived being comfortable for so long, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Read more>>
I think about risk taking as one of the best things you can do for yourself. Taking risks (big or small) allows you to push yourself and opens up a world of opportunities. I was working in retail before I began my career as a landscape designer, and the big reason I am where I am today is because I took a risk. I asked one of my “regulars” for a job opportunity at a local landscaping company in the town where I lived at the time. That was nearly 10 years ago! Now I’m proud to say run my own landscape construction company here in Denver, CO. Read more>>